Dooms Day Dates

Derrick C.

It seems we are fresh out of Dooms Day dates. We were not destroyed by an asteroid on Halloween.
So, if you come across new predictions, feel free to post them in this thread. New ones are bound to pop up sooner or later. :D
to many dooms day predictions over the years that have never happened I had a collection of nostradumass documentaries over 20 years old and some of the doomsday dates in them have passed and never happened to many false prophets and its still going on if the source of the information on a dooms day prediction is from someone who's travel into the future useing a hdr after they was invented even there prediction dates have passed and nothing happen , hdr units don't have a reality checker built into them to tell the user what reality the doomsday is in, and the dooms day prophet for December the first 2015 has also passed and didn't happen so another false prophet

one of them will happen sooner then later but id say more likely in 2017 it all ends

steven chiverton

Senior Member
It seems we are fresh out of Dooms Day dates. We were not destroyed by an asteroid on Halloween.
So, if you come across new predictions, feel free to post them in this thread. New ones are bound to pop up sooner or later. :D
to many dooms day predictions over the years that have never happened I had a collection of nostradumass documentaries over 20 years old and some of the doomsday dates in them have passed and never happened to many false prophets and its still going on if the source of the information on a dooms day prediction is from someone who's travel into the future useing a hdr after they was invented even there prediction dates have passed and nothing happen , hdr units don't have a reality checker built into them to tell the user what reality the doomsday is in, and the dooms day prophet for December the first 2015 has also passed and didn't happen so another false prophet

one of them will happen sooner then later but id say more likely in 2017 it all ends
and if we are still around by 2017 then add it to the false prophets list

steven chiverton

Senior Member
there was a video on YouTube many years ago they claimed that more than a hundred predictions by Nostradamus were wrong and if theres so many realities then theres no way of knowing which ones they was seen in


one of them will happen sooner then later but id say more likely in 2017 it all ends

Curious. Why 2017?

thats what ive read on other sites and also Nostradamous actually predicts the appoclyapse around 2017 possibly after it so id keep an eye on 2017

I wonder if we can find a hidden clue a la John Titor that would suggest he was 2 years off. Hmmm..

Derrick C.

there was a video on YouTube many years ago they claimed that more than a hundred predictions by Nostradamus were wrong and if theres so many realities then theres no way of knowing which ones they was seen in

actually alot of the predictions almost 95 % of the ones Nostradamous proffisised have come true and will, ie 9/11, WWI, WWII, WWIII which is about to start


there was a video on YouTube many years ago they claimed that more than a hundred predictions by Nostradamus were wrong and if theres so many realities then theres no way of knowing which ones they was seen in

actually alot of the predictions almost 95 % of the ones Nostradamous proffisised have come true and will, ie 9/11, WWI, WWII, WWIII which is about to start

I'll have to read more into the 2017 stuff and Nostradamus. It makes more sense that 2015, which is obviously over.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
there was a video on YouTube many years ago they claimed that more than a hundred predictions by Nostradamus were wrong and if theres so many realities then theres no way of knowing which ones they was seen in

actually alot of the predictions almost 95 % of the ones Nostradamous proffisised have come true and will, ie 9/11, WWI, WWII, WWIII which is about to start

I'll have to read more into the 2017 stuff and Nostradamus. It makes more sense that 2015, which is obviously over.
if they predict them before they happen it be one thing but if they put the predictions together after the predated predictions have happened already then give credit to the seer after that , that's like cheating I wonder if they go through his old qatrants or whatever they call them and make up some new ones from the jigsaw puzzels of bits and peace's , it was mostly after the prediction dates have passed that they put the peace's together to match it then give credit and say he predicted it when it was the scientists who made it look that way again its like cheating . some years ago there was a large group gathering in the eastern states here they all believed the world was going to end and all they got was rain and nothing happened they all walked away shamed faced as they all got fooled by a predicted event that never happened, same for that doti Goldberg women from Queensland Australia or whatever her name is she claimed to of met aliens and they told here about the large mothership that was going to appear and reveal themselves to the world that never happened at all either she's in hiding I think from the public or world wide embarrassment of all those who believed it when it dident happen , and in the 70s a man named joseph gay a man from Australia claimed aliens abducted him and showed him our future and it all passed and nothing happened even aliens get it wrong to or they showed him a wrong future from the wrong or alternative dimension and he thought it was from our reality
