Dune 2


Have you seen Dune Part 2 yet? I heard it's absolutely nuts. People love it.

Christopher Nolan compared it to Empire Strikes Back. That means a lot. Is it that good?

I'm going to see it on Saturday, can't wait!!


How was Dune 1? I didn't know why they decided to remake it. Is it worth watching?


Dune Part 1 was awesome, but a bit slow. It has a similar atmosphere to Blade Runner 2049, as they share the same director, Denis Villeneuve. The guy is a genius.

Part 1 is excellent. Part 2 is incredible according to both critics and people.


Temporal Engineer
When you said Christopher Nolan, I am repulsed by anything he says. He took part in writing Man of Steel. He crossed an uncross-able line when Superman murdered Zod. I walked out of that movie and will never watch anything else he takes part of.

As for Dune 1, I didn't care for it much. Only got about halfway through it and just walked away. So I probably won't watch Dune 2.


Active Member
Dune seems to get remade every couple of decades. I haven't seen 2 yet. Thankfully they left out the "weirding weapons" from 1984... but I kept filling in missing dialogue from the 1984 version. I'm wondering if they'll move on to Messiah and Children Of Dune... or maybe 2 more decades from now they'll start over... again.


have tried to watch it twice now and only made it to the half way point before being called off for other shit what I have seen is just as good as the original .... well worth the time to watch...(y):cool::cool:


Active Member
I'll try not to give any major spoilers, but I'm guessing most people here have already seen one of the other versions and/or read the books...

My problems with Part 2:

Why was Geidi Prime outdoors filmed in black and white? There's no such thing as a monochromatic star... not even 8k years into the future.

Feyd also needed a dentist really bad. I really miss Sting for this role.

In both movies, Jessica was far too emotional for her status level and Bene Gesserit training. A major theme of Bene Gesserit training is control of self... similar to the Mentats but different methods.

Chani turned into a real bitch by the end of the movie. I understand some story deviations in each version, but this was too much. In the book, Paul and Chani had their first child before the ending battle. That child was killed by Sardukar during that ending battle.

As far as I remember from the books, all Reverend Mothers drank the Waters Of Life to ascend. Jessica should have already known this. It's how the Reverend Mothers connected with their past ancestors.

I kinda get why Alia wasn't born in this version as it showed Jessica being able to talk with her. They never really explained why Alia was an "abomination", though. (Hint: without a developed personality, past memories could take her over. Being born a Reverend Mother was also a little part of this.) I couldn't stand Alia's creepy voice in the 1984 version, but it was hilarious when she growled with The Voice.

Calling Paul the "mahdi" is very controversial if you understand islam... and not in a good way.

It seems the kangaroo mice are also crack worm poop spice addicts.

The ending battle scene was kinda light for a big finish. At least they didn't pull out the weirding modules.

Paul getting stabbed twice in the knife fight with Feyd was very contradictorial with his training and his developed war time skill set. Paul had been killing soldiers in actual combat for nearly a year. Feyd had been killing drugged prisoners and his staff.

Irulan's final plea with Paul sounded way too desperate for her royal status and Bene Gesserit training. I guess this is the same problem as with Jessica.


I'm not reading this so nothing is spoiled, but I've watched 75% of Dune 1 and it's very interesting. You're right, it started slow, but became more exciting half way through. And it has the Willy Wonka guy in it. That kid is a good actor. Will finish tonight.


I'll try not to give any major spoilers, but I'm guessing most people here have already seen one of the other versions and/or read the books...

My problems with Part 2:

Why was Geidi Prime outdoors filmed in black and white? There's no such thing as a monochromatic star... not even 8k years into the future.

Feyd also needed a dentist really bad. I really miss Sting for this role.

In both movies, Jessica was far too emotional for her status level and Bene Gesserit training. A major theme of Bene Gesserit training is control of self... similar to the Mentats but different methods.

Chani turned into a real bitch by the end of the movie. I understand some story deviations in each version, but this was too much. In the book, Paul and Chani had their first child before the ending battle. That child was killed by Sardukar during that ending battle.

As far as I remember from the books, all Reverend Mothers drank the Waters Of Life to ascend. Jessica should have already known this. It's how the Reverend Mothers connected with their past ancestors.

I kinda get why Alia wasn't born in this version as it showed Jessica being able to talk with her. They never really explained why Alia was an "abomination", though. (Hint: without a developed personality, past memories could take her over. Being born a Reverend Mother was also a little part of this.) I couldn't stand Alia's creepy voice in the 1984 version, but it was hilarious when she growled with The Voice.

Calling Paul the "mahdi" is very controversial if you understand islam... and not in a good way.

It seems the kangaroo mice are also crack worm poop spice addicts.

The ending battle scene was kinda light for a big finish. At least they didn't pull out the weirding modules.

Paul getting stabbed twice in the knife fight with Feyd was very contradictorial with his training and his developed war time skill set. Paul had been killing soldiers in actual combat for nearly a year. Feyd had been killing drugged prisoners and his staff.

Irulan's final plea with Paul sounded way too desperate for her royal status and Bene Gesserit training. I guess this is the same problem as with Jessica.

You're pointing out great stuff. :)

The scenes on Geidi Prime were shot in infrared. That's what made the skin colors so crazy, and so weirder than just black and white. It made skin feel a little more transparent than usual. It was pretty uncanny.

Wow, I didn't remember them having a kid in the book. It's been several years since I last read it.

Your comments about the whole Alia situation make me remember that I wish they had put more emphasis on world-building, how and why the empire uses the spice, how unique it is, etc. And how special the Alia situation is. That's a great point. I felt the movie was a little light on the whole political and spice aspect.

I agree with you on the final battle too. It was freaking awesome, don't get me wrong. It was beautiful and masterfully crafted. But man, it didn't last long!

At the end of the movie, wasn't Chany simply pissed that Paul had to marry Irulan for political reasons? Paul saw this as an immense sacrifice. He'd have to marry Irulan instead of Chany, the love of his life. But Chany simply saw this as treason, which is why she was pissed.
