Forum Rules Feedback Thread


As you might have noticed, updated forum rules have been posted today.

Don't worry though, it's more a rewrite than an actual update. All the basic rules are the same, they're just stated and explained in a more clear and elegant way.

Those new rules make it clear that our primary focus is paranormal discussion above anything else. Something that wasn't obvious enough in the previous version.

Feedback is welcome, so feel free share what you think here. :)

New Forum Rules:
Forum Rules (May 2015) | Paranormalis



Time Travel Professor
I believe Number 3, should not be used here at all and also it should be deleted as a Discussion type, which in the past has been a format for some bad members to start bullying other members.

3. Debunking Discussions

Debunking sometimes takes place on Paranormalis. In order to allow free sharing of paranormal and out of the box content, "debunking" posts are not allowed in original topics where members are sharing their own experiences and/or thought provoking content. Debunking discussions will take place in a parallel topic with a "Debunking" prefix. This way, people who enjoy the original topic will be free to ask questions, discuss and engage in the "story" of the thread without getting their posts repeatedly ripped apart by someone who doesn't buy it. Debunking posts that are made in the original thread will be moved to allow the original discussion to take place without interference.

Professor Opmmur


These rules make sense! This is a paranormal forum, so heavy, hardcore debunking can become hostile without guidelines. Separating debunking into it's own thread allows those who want to debate, debate, and those who just want to discuss and speculate do just that. The debates still have to follow the rules -- no bullying, etc... but they have a chance to give their two cents and if nobody wants to read it, they don't have to. :)


Time Travel Professor
If the two females, PaulaJedi and PoisonApple were bully-ed as kids or on this great forum, their comments would not has been the same as posted.

Again, "Debunking Discussions" should be deleted, in the past it has has been a tool for some bad members to start bullying other members. NO NEW RULES will stop the bullying here, but deleting "Debunking Discussions" would be a good start for fixing the bullying problems.

Professor Opmmur
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We used to have a lot of active skeptics and debunkers on Paranormalis years ago, so I understand Opmmur's concerns when it comes to that matter. The rules and the way we're moderating the forum evolved a lot over the years. Just look at how many paranormal enthusiasts we have, compared to skeptics and debunkers. It worked.

Right now, the debunking thread prefix is used on rare occasions, which is a sign we might be ready to get rid of it. When updating the rules, I didn't bring my analysis as far as to consider removing the debunking prefix. I didn't question if whether or not we still need it, or whether or not it still make sense that our paranormal community is giving some room for skepticism and debunking in the first place. Maybe we're ready.

I'm open to the possibility of removing the debunking prefix. I don't think it would harm the forum, as our target audience isn't skeptics, it's paranormal enthusiasts. The little room needed to question / debate something more intensively would take place in debate threads, obviously. It would not discourage the expression of opinions in regular discussions, as such discussions would still work the same. Regular discussions are the right place to voice your opinion in a civil and respectful manner, no matter if you agree with the original poster or not.

Thank you for your valuable feedback. :) I'm going to think about this and listen to you guys if you still have thoughts to share on the matter.


In light of the comments you guys made, we decided to adjust the rules to state unequivocally our focus towards pure paranormal discussion. You can see the rules here: Forum Rules (May 2015) | Paranormalis

Basically, here's what we did:
- Debunking is now prohibited. No more threads with a debunking prefix can be created.
- Debate threads are still the same.
- Posts that are too challenging will now be moved to a debate thread.

Thank you for your feedback.


Time Travel Professor
I believe it was a very good move, one less tool for bad members to start bullying other members.

Thank You, Num7, PoisonApple, and all the other great members at posted
their comments on this subject.
