Confirmed Hoax Hello folks. (Time Traveler From The 1950s)

Jim Williams

New Member
So after being here for up to 3 years I've come to understand the lingo you speak here. Yes I understand English, and yes I'm from this world. I'm not from this time though. It seems I've leaped through time, and ended up here. At first I was scared, and I had no where to go. Before I go on let me start from the beginning.

My name is Jim Williams, and I was born in the year of 1929. I remember like it was yesterday I was with with a Dolly, and she was really cute. Her name was Sarah Anthony. We went to the local diner that was near her house. After meeting up with some of our friends we went to the park to take a stroll. We fed the ducks, and after a while we just talked about stuff. I noticed that it was getting late, and her father was going to give me an earful if I didn't bring his daughter home. But the flick was about to start so we acted like rebels, and ended up going into my friends' car, and all of us watched the movie.

So after arriving. James, one of my friends, and I go over to get some refreshments for the girls we were hanging out with. He whispered to me "Man she's a keeper." I nodded, and smiled. I was afraid to get her pops angry. Anyways Sunset boulevard was showing, and the theater was packed with people. It was hard to find any seats, but luckily Sarah, and her friend found us some nice seats. The movie was about to start, and I noticed I forgot to get myself a drink. As I get up my whole body becomes heavy. I sit back down, and start to cough, and from the groans, and hisses behind us I must've gotten some people angry. I get up, but feel a little woozy. When I get out I almost throw up all over the woman holding the door for me, but instead I hold it, and run to the mens room. The next thing that happens blows my mind to this day.

I rush into the bathroom, and all I see is darkness. Nothing else, I turn around, and I still see the door that I came in from, but I can't see anything in front of me. I walk back outside, and that heavy feeling hits me again, and run back into the dark room. It's all gone. So I walk towards the darkness, because I was curious. After about 4 minutes. I turn around, and notice that the door is still there within an arm's distance. So I just started running towards the darkness. Then "Bam!" I fall over something, and I pop my head up, and notice something odd. My clothes are wet, and I'm laying in some hay. I'm sweating buckets, and I was freezing cold. That was my first experience of leaping.

Now back to the first paragraph. At first I didn't know where I was, but after 3 years, I was in the streets ravaging anything I could find, and going into the library, and reading about the present, and how it came to be. Found out how to use this device called the computer, and ended up learning about time traveling, and now I'm here. Sorry for the length of this post. Any help would be great thanks.


How fascinating! Welcome to our time, I hope the future have not been too big disappointment for you. How have you used to computers? And that we use these all the time? Some of us use more these devices to communicate, than they do verbally... I think it has been a huge cultural change for you? Pleasure to meet you, I hope you are familiar with these smiley faces that we use here :), because at least I am very happy that you decided to come in this website and shared your story :)


Hi and welcome. You have an interesting story.

I'm curious to know how you feel about computers too. Back in your days, no one could have expected the highly advanced communication devices we have, let alone the Internet. :) How are you getting used to our "modern" way of life?


Temporal Engineer
Hi Jim. Have you researched what happened to Sarah. After all these years she could still be around.

Jim Williams

New Member
How fascinating! Welcome to our time, I hope the future have not been too big disappointment for you. How have you used to computers? And that we use these all the time? Some of us use more these devices to communicate, than they do verbally... I think it has been a huge cultural change for you? Pleasure to meet you, I hope you are familiar with these smiley faces that we use here :), because at least I am very happy that you decided to come in this website and shared your story :)

Thanks for the warm welcome. It's nice to meet you too. After learning to use this "computer" I researched about the past. I was devastated to hear Marilyn Monroe passed away. She was my idol. These devices are really handy. Regardless I was in culture shock everyone wearing different clothes, using some equipment I'm not familiar with. We had the first black president, and now a woman is running for office. It's a bit to take in, and the smiley faces are something unusual. Showing some expressions ranging from sadness to happy. I'll get used to it though. I traded in my clothes for something modern, and the clerk behind the counter was asking me how I obtained these clothes. I told her it was mine, I was 21 years old, and she said "No 21 year olds wear these clothes. You must be in a drama club or something." I asked her what that was, and she said "You must be in a school play." Then I understood what she meant. After a couple months I noticed that there was no segregation. Everyone was equal, and I'm happy to see that.
Hi and welcome. You have an interesting story.

I'm curious to know how you feel about computers too. Back in your days, no one could have expected the highly advanced communication devices we have, let alone the Internet. :) How are you getting used to our "modern" way of life?

Computers are grand! The way people communicate through this machine is remarkable. I'm really happy to see everything evolve to what it is today. I still need to get used to some of the stuff though.
Hi Jim. Have you researched what happened to Sarah. After all these years she could still be around.

Sadly no, I can't contact anyone from my past. If she was still around she probably got married, and has grand children.

Thanks for replying everyone.

Snake Plissken

I believe..
What about your family, have you looked them up? They must still be around?

Maybe you went missing or maybe there's a duplicate you somewhere.

Jim Williams

New Member
What about your family, have you looked them up? They must still be around?

Maybe you went missing or maybe there's a duplicate you somewhere.

My father passed away, when I was 6 years old, and my mother raised me. During my second year here I went to visit my family, but they weren't there. Since I was an only child. I tried to contact my mother, and the land line didn't work. So when I approached my house there were different people living there. I asked who the previous owners were so they directed me to police. The officers were baffled to hear that I was 21, and I was born in the 1900's. So they believed I was fooling them, and they sent me away, but before they did. They tracked my mother. I found her gravestone. I found out that someone was putting flowers, and the gentleman who was standing beside the woman holding the flowers noticed me approaching, and they asked if I knew her. If I said that I was her son they will freak out. So I told them I was a close relative to her. They left me in peace, and to this day I'm still regretting what I've done in the past. The only thing I'm wondering is why am I here, and what's my end goal. The one thing that I noticed was that I'm not aging. I believe this is a side effect.

Also I've tried attempting what I've done to get here, and so far I've failed. I always venture in the library because I don't want to forget where I came from.


Junior Member
What about your family, have you looked them up? They must still be around?

Maybe you went missing or maybe there's a duplicate you somewhere.

My father passed away, when I was 6 years old, and my mother raised me. During my second year here I went to visit my family, but they weren't there. Since I was an only child. I tried to contact my mother, and the land line didn't work. So when I approached my house there were different people living there. I asked who the previous owners were so they directed me to police. The officers were baffled to hear that I was 21, and I was born in the 1900's. So they believed I was fooling them, and they sent me away, but before they did. They tracked my mother. I found her gravestone. I found out that someone was putting flowers, and the gentleman who was standing beside the woman holding the flowers noticed me approaching, and they asked if I knew her. If I said that I was her son they will freak out. So I told them I was a close relative to her. They left me in peace, and to this day I'm still regretting what I've done in the past. The only thing I'm wondering is why am I here, and what's my end goal. The one thing that I noticed was that I'm not aging. I believe this is a side effect.

Also I've tried attempting what I've done to get here, and so far I've failed. I always venture in the library because I don't want to forget where I came from.
Jim, welcome. I am a new member. I wanted to reassure you that everyone at 21 years old, probably regardless of when they were born, would have regrets regarding their parents. Give yourself a break if possible.
You were born about the same time that my parents were. And I assume you had to live through WWII. That and the depression must've been very difficult.
Just welcome to you. If I can be of any assistance to you as a long time former English teacher, I'd be happy to
