Here's proof COVID is real


Temporal Engineer
Sorry! Your source is China! Zero credibility.

Although it was a good laugh when I read they are spouting water droplets as the transmission method. All airborne resporitory viruses transmit through air, not water droplets!


Senior Member

I don't believe this as the primary infective source. I feel that early covid or a variant of CoV2 was airborne in Wuhan China and was formed there before it went out into the world.


Temporal Engineer
I don't believe this as the primary infective source. I feel that early covid or a variant of CoV2 was airborne in Wuhan China and was formed there before it went out into the world.

I still believe the primary infection source has never been discovered yet. Every year twice a year we have cold and flu season. So do the viruses hibernate in between seasons? If the transmission source was human to human then we all would keep the viruses going indefinitely. Yet the cases go up and down twice a year for as far back as I can remember.


Senior Member
I think it's a real virus but that it is coupled with a TON of cartoonish hysteria over everyday human activities.
When I was in college people who were not even sick coughed every day. And when one student coughed another
did. Coughing and sneezing were an everyday thing considered normal. NOW if you just make one false move
that means you've got a deadly virus and should be immediately quarintined.

My opinion is that it is a real virus that has gotten so widespread that people and governments
are instilling irrational panic in each other on purpose over everyday human activity.


Temporal Engineer
The reason I refuse to believe in a new virus is because, none of the information concerning masks, social distancing, droplet theory, or even the death count is real. It's all a big lie. Consider that the hospitals are being paid $39,000 per covid death they report. Consider that 827,000 deaths reported times $39,000 = $32,253,000,000. That's a lot of money. Almost incentive to kill off a few folks. Would you lie or take the bribe, or both for that kind of money?

Just remember 9/11. The government never came clean over the reported eye witness accounts that saw cargo jets crash into the twin towers. Not passenger jets.

I honestly suspect our government officials have sold us all out to invasion by a hostile foreign government.


Senior Member
I've had similar thoughts about the whole mask thing. When you breathe through a mask all the germs you breathed in before you put it on are now trapped within the confines of the mask and anything you breathe in will be stuck with you forever.
It might protect in some instances but most of the time it's gonna make things worse at least potentially


Temporal Engineer
The whole mask bullshit is debunked by the 20 mask studies done by the medical community over the last 50 years. Every single one of them proves masks don't protect against an airborne virus. Even the surgical N95 masks only protect against bacteria. Thus keeping the surgeons from infecting open wounds in patients. The virus is on the order of 1 micron in diameter. The surgical masks weave only will block particles down to 5 microns. Airborne viruses go right through with the air.


Senior Member
Sorry! Your source is China! Zero credibility.

Although it was a good laugh when I read they are spouting water droplets as the transmission method. All airborne resporitory viruses transmit through air, not water droplets!

The one about the guy from Korea is TECHNICALLY not China it's US based but if you wanna argue we're run by China then yeah it would be China.
The second one really was China. I removed it since I don't really trust any study about it from China per se either.
