How Other Species Perceive Time


If other species perceive time differently, there are many ways to see it. The simplest one is to consider aliens who would experience time faster or slower than us. I’m saying species because perhaps some animals or insects experience time differently here on our planet…

Think about ants and how fast they can move. Maybe, to them, we humans are in extreme slow motion. So it might be a valid example.

Then, let’s go deeper. Is it possible, as in the movie Arrival, that aliens perceive and experience time in a way that is completely foreign to us? Not faster or slower, but entirely different.

The aliens in Arrival experience time in a non-linear fashion, as if they exist in more dimensions than we do.

What’s your take on it?


Temporal Engineer
I agree with these thoughts. I sometimes wonder how we would perceive reality without freedom of choice. Apparently time flows differently internally to us. But how would it work if we perceived reality as it actually is?


Senior Member
This gets spoken a lot by Abductees how the same grey can abduct generations of a family line, where it is 100+ years it is only a few moments for the greys.

Or even with Dogs, how when you're gone even for 5 minutes they act like they haven't seem you in years, it is because they age much faster than we do so that time may seem like a really long time to them.

I imagine once you start to lose the concept of time it will either go really fast or slow, imagine if there was no sun or moon or stars, no devices to tell time, the world was always in a state of dusk or dawn, how would time pass if there was no way to tell, besides out bodies breaking down there would be no way to tell until someone comes around and goes nah bro its only been 2 days relax, or 200 years!


Active Member
It also deals with how well you can remember things. If you remember every little detail of the entire day, the day will seem to drag on and on and on. If you forget most of the little things, the day will seem to fly by. I have this issue with my health problems.


Active Member
I'm quite sure all different animals perceive it differently, pets however, dogs and cats anyhow, possibly horses too they basically don't care about time. They live in the moment for the most part. They have memories of the past but don't really think about the future. You can kind of see this in cats where it appears they have never been fed, because they are hungry and can't perceive that their dinner will be there in several hours or what ever later.

Higher dimensionals yea, they can perceive more than one timeline depending how advanced they are. Not sure about the way it's seen in arrival. That may be how some see it but I don't think thats how they all see it. It's a good way to reflect the concept to an audience though.
Our abilities basically evolve in the evolutions of incarnations and all of them eventually reach the same level but different souls will take longer to go through the learning process of those abilities. Some are more visual, some are more audio, some are more empathic etc. These traits come with benefits in the adaptation of abilities.
So things like seeing into the future in that same way, yeah most people already have this one, but usually see it in dreams first, especially in youth. The 5th dimension we're moving in to right now, it's already higher than the average 4th dimensional dream space. So that kind of precognition is going to rapidly wake up again. But how you experience your precog is going to shift between people, I experience that as a mix of feeling and seeing, very rarely hearing.
Only once that I can recall right now have I seen an alternate timeline choice, and it only lasted a few seconds. One other time I was aware of a different timeline progression where I died in the other one in that moment.
