How Titor Attracts Bad People


Senior Member
I agree, Paula. The fact that people go through their lives with the intention to put themselves higher by putting others down, or to just plain bully someone for their own enjoyment is something that boggles the mind. The thing is, I think most of the people who are perceived as bullies don't actually want to be bullies and they don't view themselves as bullies. That's the problem that I see with many of these people in question: they either lack the ability to empathize with others, or they just don't put in any effort to attempt to be empathetic. As this is a message board, disagreement is something that creates discussion points and spawns brand new ideas. The disadvantage is that disagreements often lead to offense being taken and misunderstandings. This often leads to people beating on each other continuously until it snowballs out of control, even if it was all based on one simple misunderstanding. That's the thing with forums: there's only so much tone and intention that can be expressed in text alone, so assumptions of other people's tones and intentions can easily diverge from the truth. It's easy to accuse someone of being something that they are not. So, while I am aware that the Internet contains many trolls who have the intention of hurting people, we must also at least hear each other out in a cooperative manner so we can create more productive conversations for the future. I don't blindly follow people, but I'm also willing to listen. What makes the world amazing is that it's composed of many different people of many different backgrounds and intentions who are, for the most part, able to live together productively in society. Part of what makes this work is the degree of trust we have for each other that prevents us from living out our lives in tension and hostility. That's my faith in humanity.

Also, All these words are awesome too.


I will always defend a friend. I don't regret doing that. A friend is like family to me. The problem for me is knowing which friends are real and worth it.


Another line from the '70's which was actually comedy - "The Devil Made Me Do It"
I think God and the Devil is being mixed up sometimes by perhaps a lot of people acting out anywhere in any job or any place on the Planet.
Global Hot Brains!


Senior Member
Im less judgmental, A friend is a friend is a friend. Either I know it or I am more judgmental than I know.
But defending friend is easy for me because I defend the truth above all. It's easier to remember.
Still , their are judas's out there. Backstabbers and betrayers. Thats just a part of life. Could be your friends, your family, you Significant Other .. one just never knows who is gonna take a turn playing at judas. Now that I can see red flags I'm trying to learn how to trust and move forward positively amongst fields of red flags.


It all amounts to the Brain. There are good brain days and bad brain days, and sometimes some people need adjustment by having a weapon pointed at their brain from a distance to make them really hear that what you are saying in other words is "Halt"!
But then that was used in WWII and may still be used today. Now it is assumed that some people do not feel the need to say that anymore nowadays when first of all they should have just said "HALT!"
Hands Up! Hands Down! Do the Hokey-Pokey and Turn Around or something like that like in a dance.
Okay a little humor there at the end.

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Thanks for this thread... I studied the psychology of online gaming communities. It's really quite the same within most forums too. The 4 types of users were related to suits found in a deck of playing cards. Hearts represent the so called "good/honest" members, trusting others to be like them. Clubs - the ones who will sneak in and propel arguments/dissension. Diamonds - peacemakers who make themselves known as such. Finally, Spades - sent to wreak havoc, manipulate, cause undue controversy... I've never been to an online community that doesn't fit this basic bill. True, some will exhibit characteristics of various "types" at times. Human nature is to err as well as be drawn to some generated sense of "safety" from the semblance of "cliques". Over the yrs, I've learned to expect this. Edited responses are much different than real life. On another note, I have personal experience with major betrayal from online users that affected my RL. Often, it's hard to discern between someone's persona vs true character.


Thanks for this thread... I studied the psychology of online gaming communities. It's really quite the same within most forums too. The 4 types of users were related to suits found in a deck of playing cards. Hearts represent the so called "good/honest" members, trusting others to be like them. Clubs - the ones who will sneak in and propel arguments/dissension. Diamonds - peacemakers who make themselves known as such. Finally, Spades - sent to wreak havoc, manipulate, cause undue controversy... I've never been to an online community that doesn't fit this basic bill. True, some will exhibit characteristics of various "types" at times. Human nature is to err as well as be drawn to some generated sense of "safety" from the semblance of "cliques". Over the yrs, I've learned to expect this. Edited responses are much different than real life. On another note, I have personal experience with major betrayal from online users that affected my RL. Often, it's hard to discern between someone's persona vs true character.

Sub cultures form in the different genres, too. And you're right, I think it is human instinct to form cliques.


Another thing the predators do: They use social media accounts to do their dirty work, then delete the accounts often and make new ones so the evidence isn't there. They won't talk about it in e-mail because that's evidence. They work hard to cover their own tracks. Again, this implies serious motive. I can't even fathom sitting around thinking of ways to do this all day. It takes a very sick individual.


Senior Member
Well Paula, calling someone a predator is a very serious accusation. Good thing you didn't go into specifics. False accusations are also taken very seriously by law enforcement agencies online. Any false accusations, harassment, and photos sent, are kept as evidence. So I am giving you only 1 warning here. Be careful who you accuse online. You might be talking to a cop.
