Schematic Hyper-Dimensional Resonator

Doc 05

Active Member
I can see you are envious of Doc 05 ability to astrally project his consciousness outside his body. Not everyone can develop the skill to do that.
Thanks @Einstein, but it's actually remote viewing and the reason I started studying the HDR was that I could Not find anyone who owned one that would talk bad about it, but most could not properly articulate the experience.

That's when I purchased one and I'm still trying to figure out how it does what it does.

Like trying to explain Radionics, Physiological/Psychological Stimulation, Scrying, ESP, etc. all at the same time.

Doc 05

Active Member
Thanks @Einstein, but it's actually remote viewing and the reason I started studying the HDR was that I could Not find anyone who owned one that would talk bad about it, but most could not properly articulate the experience.

That's when I purchased one and I'm still trying to figure out how it does what it does.

Like trying to explain Radionics, Physiological/Psychological Stimulation, Scrying, ESP, etc. all at the same time.
BTW @Einstein, you built a beautiful HDR unit.


Temporal Engineer
Astral projection isn’t possible and even if it was I wouldn’t care. Wake up and smell the coffee.
The only universe that exists is the present. The past doesn’t exist.

It may not be possible for you. It appears you have closed your mind off to that area of reality. It is quite possible that you may experience this in your lifetime as a near death experience.


Temporal Engineer
Thanks @Einstein, but it's actually remote viewing and the reason I started studying the HDR was that I could Not find anyone who owned one that would talk bad about it, but most could not properly articulate the experience.

That's when I purchased one and I'm still trying to figure out how it does what it does.

Like trying to explain Radionics, Physiological/Psychological Stimulation, Scrying, ESP, etc. all at the same time.

I gave myself a more science oriented explanation. I was interested in the head coil. I monitored the voltage of the head coil while it was active. The voltage is very low. Most of the HDR voltage is consumed by the electromagnet. What went through the head coil was a low voltage sine wave at 60hz. There are low frequencies in the brain that could resonate with that 60hz signal. So I looked at this as an alternate electric field for the brain to sync to. Thus the altered experience that users of the HDR experience.

Doc 05

Active Member
I gave myself a more science oriented explanation. I was interested in the head coil. I monitored the voltage of the head coil while it was active. The voltage is very low. Most of the HDR voltage is consumed by the electromagnet. What went through the head coil was a low voltage sine wave at 60hz. There are low frequencies in the brain that could resonate with that 60hz signal. So I looked at this as an alternate electric field for the brain to sync to. Thus the altered experience that users of the HDR experience.
I agree, but also believe both hemispheres are synchronized, pineal stimulated and synchronization with the gut. But the use of radionics in the tuning is pure genius.


@MartyMcNugget06. @Doc 05 @Secretman3811

Please stop with the name calling.

You will find on all if not most online forums,
that there will be opinions or even facts you might disagree with.

However...........Calling people names and using degradation is not acceptable here @Paranormalis.

If you disagree with someone's post, then, try to be civil next time.
If you see a post that causes this type of negativity towards others.......Report It.
That's why we have Staff on hand.
@Num7 or myself, will try to handle them best we can.

Respect goes a long way. Imho.

I apologize to you if you believe this is wrong and you may address this with Num7 at any time.

