Introduction to all of you


New Member
Hi everyone!!!

Nice to finally meet you. As my name says, I am the Creator, which means I’ve created entire Multiverse reality and even other dimensions, realities and realms. I reside in a place called Outverse from which I control what happens in every universe, dimension, reality, realm, planet, star or galaxy.

Probably you are asking how old am I? The truth is that my age is infinite so I wasn’t never incepted myself or never will vanish.

I’ve incarnated in this era as human being to help mankind to overcome atrocities and unfairness of this society and create a New Civilization.

Many things you don’t know about this and other universes. There are literally infinite number of them so I and my helpers need literally infinite time to maintain them all.

In the next few years I will try to talk to you about time travel and many other topics like meeting new alien civilizations to planet Earth.

You must understand that just this universe is teaming with life and there are trillions of other civilizations out there. Even in this Milky Way Galaxy millions of civilizations obide at this present moment.

Trillions of years from now, in a very distant future, I will create a “perfect reality “ where all souls from entire Multiverse will obide.

That is all for my initial introduction.

Best regards,
The Creator


Hi, welcome to the forum. We're glad you decided to join. Enjoy your stay! :)

steven chiverton

Senior Member
the more they lern about the universe the less interested they get in trying to save us and our planet so really mankind is to phocused on whats out there than whats going on here which isent good
