Is COVID-19 the Greatest Hoax of Our Time? Doctors Speak Out

Common Sense Conspiracy

Conspiracy Blog
No one wants to discount lives lost, and we at the CSC are no exception. However, the time has come for those that claim the monicker of common sense to start asking some questions about the official account of things here. After all, that is what we do. So, we are opening the discussion now. Is COVID-19 a hoax? And if so, is it the greatest hoax of all time?
Well, the answer lies in interpretation, like most things in our world. What makes a hoax a hoax? Well, in the purest sense of the word, COVID-19 is definitely not a hoax. What we know is that it is a real virus that is apparently never been seen on Earth before, and it has spread to millions of humans. It has killed many, but nowhere near the doomsday projections. Those in the medical community in positions of influence have set forth unprecedented, martial-law like restrictions on the population that they are now heralding as the reason the virus has not been worse. This may be true, and it may not be. The initial projections of 2.7 million Americans dying were very dire. Now, we find out that 2.7 million Americans have already had the virus in New York and many didn’t even know about it. The numbers, quite frankly, are suspect.
We’ve gone over all the conspiracy theories. Did China create the virus to harm us? Is the government seeing how much freedom we will give up under the threat of a pandemic? Is this all a ploy to sidetrack an election year?
Maybe the real mastery of COVID-19 is that the answer to all of these questions could potentially be yes. So is it a hoax? No, it’s real. The reactions to it may be the hoax part. It may be that when all is said and done, all of the measures taken to fight this virus were the real enemy instead of the virus itself.

It is becoming increasingly clear as more data from testing comes in that the narrative the media and the various health organizations of the world were pushing on the general public were grossly incorrect. This will be blamed in part on the recommendations of those very people and organizations that put us in this situation. Social distancing, wearing masks, and quarantine will be heralded as amazing strategies that were amazingly executed, leaving millions of lives unaffected by COVID-19. Most of the general public will buy this, and when the next nasty flu season comes around, they will happily shut things down again. Governments all over the globe have been given a kill switch to use at their leisure. Sadly enough, those people that accept this are not the people that will be reading things at sites like Common Sense Conspiracy, and if they are exposed to it, they will brush it off as fiction when everything we are saying here is actually based on factual data.

In Sweden, where they basically carried on as normal with some social distancing recommendations, the percentages of cases versus deaths versus the population was almost identical to neighboring country Norway that aggressively practiced all of the nonsense we are seeing America. The payoff was a statistically insignificant savings. When you figure out the economic impact and the spike of other illnesses that are not being treated during the culture of fear that has been created, it will look more and more like we did the wrong thing in the rear view mirror.

Does that mean that everyone overreacted? Yes, that’s what it means. We have empty hospitals and doctors and nurses being laid off because the surge never came while people that need care for other things are either too afraid to come or are being told that they can’t come because we must keep space for the surge of COVID-19 patients in critical condition that is probably never going to come. But were we wrong to overreact? That’s a different question. The models were doomsday. So-called experts said it was going to be really bad and overwhelm our medical facilities. We took action, and while it may have not been necessary at least at this level, it’s not necessarily a bad decision to make that call based on the what we knew then. The question is why are we continuing this when we know what we know now. The data is in. It’s not going to be that bad from here. Maybe what we did helped, and maybe it didn’t. There’s certainly no evidence that it did if you look around the globe and compare real statistics and not anecdotal evidence. Also, remember that many, many people did not follow most of these guidelines at all. Many, many businesses kept right on going through the crisis. How effective could these measures really have been when you factor in all the folks out there that didn’t participate from the start.

We have included an absolutely incredible video below of a physician from California who decimates the mainstream media’s narrative of COVID-19 in an hour-long analysis of real facts. As you might imagine, this will not be reported on CNN, Fox News, or any organization associated with the mainstream media. They only report death and destruction, because that is what they seek, and that is what they continue to hope for.

If you watch these videos, and we hope you will give it a chance, notice how the members of the media that were present try to roadblock the discussion at every turn and then act incredulously ignorant as to everything that is coming out of these doctor’s mouths. They literally are trying to make sure the truth does not get out by actively railing against it at every turn. You think they do that on their own accord? You think they were taught that in journalism school? There is something much deeper at play here. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Active Member
No one wants to discount lives lost, and we at the CSC are no exception. However, the time has come for those that claim the monicker of common sense to start asking some questions about the official account of things here. After all, that is what we do. So, we are opening the discussion now. Is COVID-19 a hoax? And if so, is it the greatest hoax of all time?
Well, the answer lies in interpretation, like most things in our world. What makes a hoax a hoax? Well, in the purest sense of the word, COVID-19 is definitely not a hoax. What we know is that it is a real virus that is apparently never been seen on Earth before, and it has spread to millions of humans. It has killed many, but nowhere near the doomsday projections. Those in the medical community in positions of influence have set forth unprecedented, martial-law like restrictions on the population that they are now heralding as the reason the virus has not been worse. This may be true, and it may not be. The initial projections of 2.7 million Americans dying were very dire. Now, we find out that 2.7 million Americans have already had the virus in New York and many didn’t even know about it. The numbers, quite frankly, are suspect.
We’ve gone over all the conspiracy theories. Did China create the virus to harm us? Is the government seeing how much freedom we will give up under the threat of a pandemic? Is this all a ploy to sidetrack an election year?
Maybe the real mastery of COVID-19 is that the answer to all of these questions could potentially be yes. So is it a hoax? No, it’s real. The reactions to it may be the hoax part. It may be that when all is said and done, all of the measures taken to fight this virus were the real enemy instead of the virus itself.

It is becoming increasingly clear as more data from testing comes in that the narrative the media and the various health organizations of the world were pushing on the general public were grossly incorrect. This will be blamed in part on the recommendations of those very people and organizations that put us in this situation. Social distancing, wearing masks, and quarantine will be heralded as amazing strategies that were amazingly executed, leaving millions of lives unaffected by COVID-19. Most of the general public will buy this, and when the next nasty flu season comes around, they will happily shut things down again. Governments all over the globe have been given a kill switch to use at their leisure. Sadly enough, those people that accept this are not the people that will be reading things at sites like Common Sense Conspiracy, and if they are exposed to it, they will brush it off as fiction when everything we are saying here is actually based on factual data.

In Sweden, where they basically carried on as normal with some social distancing recommendations, the percentages of cases versus deaths versus the population was almost identical to neighboring country Norway that aggressively practiced all of the nonsense we are seeing America. The payoff was a statistically insignificant savings. When you figure out the economic impact and the spike of other illnesses that are not being treated during the culture of fear that has been created, it will look more and more like we did the wrong thing in the rear view mirror.

Does that mean that everyone overreacted? Yes, that’s what it means. We have empty hospitals and doctors and nurses being laid off because the surge never came while people that need care for other things are either too afraid to come or are being told that they can’t come because we must keep space for the surge of COVID-19 patients in critical condition that is probably never going to come. But were we wrong to overreact? That’s a different question. The models were doomsday. So-called experts said it was going to be really bad and overwhelm our medical facilities. We took action, and while it may have not been necessary at least at this level, it’s not necessarily a bad decision to make that call based on the what we knew then. The question is why are we continuing this when we know what we know now. The data is in. It’s not going to be that bad from here. Maybe what we did helped, and maybe it didn’t. There’s certainly no evidence that it did if you look around the globe and compare real statistics and not anecdotal evidence. Also, remember that many, many people did not follow most of these guidelines at all. Many, many businesses kept right on going through the crisis. How effective could these measures really have been when you factor in all the folks out there that didn’t participate from the start.

We have included an absolutely incredible video below of a physician from California who decimates the mainstream media’s narrative of COVID-19 in an hour-long analysis of real facts. As you might imagine, this will not be reported on CNN, Fox News, or any organization associated with the mainstream media. They only report death and destruction, because that is what they seek, and that is what they continue to hope for.

If you watch these videos, and we hope you will give it a chance, notice how the members of the media that were present try to roadblock the discussion at every turn and then act incredulously ignorant as to everything that is coming out of these doctor’s mouths. They literally are trying to make sure the truth does not get out by actively railing against it at every turn. You think they do that on their own accord? You think they were taught that in journalism school? There is something much deeper at play here. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
Ib think the retrictions may be lifted but i think the disease will always be around.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
if the covid 19 is a hoax what's killing thousands of people already and the asteroid sad to come by earth on the 29th of april dident do anything destructive as it is now the 4th of may so the prophecies or predictions are false so much for these seeres and channelers and prophets who cant get it right, lately and have also missed some things like the virus outbreak , the closest one was said that the earth will be under an attack but fell short of saying exactly what from but that was before the virus started , as for the alien interview video on youtube the alien kept mentioning about a big event well now we know it it was the virus even though he didn't say what the big event was i think he was right and so we know the big event is the world wide culling by an invisible invader the so called atack on earth is the virus


Senior Member
if the covid 19 is a hoax what's killing thousands of people already and the asteroid sad to come by earth on the 29th of april dident do anything destructive as it is now the 4th of may so the prophecies or predictions are false so much for these seeres and channelers and prophets who cant get it right, lately and have also missed some things like the virus outbreak , the closest one was said that the earth will be under an attack but fell short of saying exactly what from but that was before the virus started , as for the alien interview video on youtube the alien kept mentioning about a big event well now we know it it was the virus even though he didn't say what the big event was i think he was right and so we know the big event is the world wide culling by an invisible invader the so called atack on earth is the virus

Hey Cobber good to see you back :cool:..
Did the Alien interview come from ApexTV, that always posted fake but absolutely hilarious videos? :unsure::LOL:..

steven chiverton

Senior Member
no it was on youtube not apex tv the alien was almost correct when he mentioned a big event so id give the alien credit for that uncle time flipper, he just wouldn't say what the big event was and the person interviewing it was threatening the alien with an injection of some kind i googled the big event to try find out what it was but all kinds of false stories that never happened except the virus outbreak i think the alien knew it but wouldn't say cause of the injections he was threatened with


Senior Member
no it was on youtube not apex tv the alien was almost correct when he mentioned a big event so id give the alien credit for that uncle time flipper, he just wouldn't say what the big event was and the person interviewing it was threatening the alien with an injection of some kind i googled the big event to try find out what it was but all kinds of false stories that never happened except the virus outbreak i think the alien knew it but wouldn't say cause of the injections he was threatened with

ApexTV do have lots of videos on You Tube cobber, you will remember those that appeared on Paranormalis, if you want to take look on You Tube...This old Limey cant be arsed enough to look though :fp: :LOL:..
