Debate Is Donald Trump a Time Traveler?


Senior Member
You cannot disagree with reality. That is called "denial". Remember? His job s to manage large scale systematic violence, just like any and all heads of state. "State" means violent gang, and "head of" means leader. Therefore he is a leader of a violent gang and he is tasked with managing it. He's just another criminal, Paula.

And all of those things you cite are simply narratives used as tools to manipulate you into perceiving a false reality thereby making you vulnerable.

I disagree...I have family members that voted for Hillary who cannot accept the fact that she is not their president. Before I get in discussion with them, regarding our current president, President Trump...I advised them to first Google scandals of Obama and scandals of the Clintons, which explains clearly why the Democratic party is made up of a bunch of criminals and idiots. They won't be happy until they change our history, take down statues, take away the attraction of a number one pastime the NFL, and anything else destructive they can think of.
Maybe Trump did the time travel to our time period to change the mess in government, which includes both parties of Congress. MAGA...Drain the swamp.

Coercion, forcing someone into something against their will, is wrong, a violation of their rights. EVERYTHING government does, it does with coercion with a threat of punishment up to and including murder for noncompliance. That is the core element that makes it qualify as violence, as unethical and criminal. It is also the distinction between government and other forms of social organization.

It doesn't matter what form of government, where it is, who occupies which offices, how many voters or who voted or any of those things. If it is coercive and violent it is wrong, criminal. The difference between right/left, this or that president, what the issues are, etc, all negligible, doesn't change a thing. It is still criminal because it is still violent. It still violates people on behalf of constituents.

Your reasoning thus far has been that it is okay of it is this reason to violate, but not those reasons to violate. My point is that it is not okay to violate, regardless of who's doing it or their reasons.

The left/right paradigm is just to keep everyone fighting, divided, conquered, taking turns using government to boss each other around in mass. It makes you see people as Democrats/Liberals or this or that social demographic or category instead of a person with rights and a valid life. Don't fall for their crap.
You seam like an intelligent person but you lean towards the left...based on your comments.
Just look in the mirror and say...Trump is our President, Trump is my President.


I disagree...I have family members that voted for Hillary who cannot accept the fact that she is not their president. Before I get in discussion with them, regarding our current president, President Trump...I advised them to first Google scandals of Obama and scandals of the Clintons, which explains clearly why the Democratic party is made up of a bunch of criminals and idiots. They won't be happy until they change our history, take down statues, take away the attraction of a number one pastime the NFL, and anything else destructive they can think of.
Maybe Trump did the time travel to our time period to change the mess in government, which includes both parties of Congress. MAGA...Drain the swamp.

Coercion, forcing someone into something against their will, is wrong, a violation of their rights. EVERYTHING government does, it does with coercion with a threat of punishment up to and including murder for noncompliance. That is the core element that makes it qualify as violence, as unethical and criminal. It is also the distinction between government and other forms of social organization.

It doesn't matter what form of government, where it is, who occupies which offices, how many voters or who voted or any of those things. If it is coercive and violent it is wrong, criminal. The difference between right/left, this or that president, what the issues are, etc, all negligible, doesn't change a thing. It is still criminal because it is still violent. It still violates people on behalf of constituents.

Your reasoning thus far has been that it is okay of it is this reason to violate, but not those reasons to violate. My point is that it is not okay to violate, regardless of who's doing it or their reasons.

The left/right paradigm is just to keep everyone fighting, divided, conquered, taking turns using government to boss each other around in mass. It makes you see people as Democrats/Liberals or this or that social demographic or category instead of a person with rights and a valid life. Don't fall for their crap.
You seam like an intelligent person but you lean towards the left...based on your comments.
Just look in the mirror and say...Trump is our President, Trump is my President.


I don't care for leftists any more than I do righties. They are all criminals because they all demand government violate on their behalf, or otherwise participate in it in some way. And I don't have or need a president. Trump is no different than Obama or any of them. They are all the same to me. They are all just criminals who I don't particularly like.


Senior Member
Coercion, forcing someone into something against their will, is wrong, a violation of their rights. EVERYTHING government does, it does with coercion with a threat of punishment up to and including murder for noncompliance. That is the core element that makes it qualify as violence, as unethical and criminal. It is also the distinction between government and other forms of social organization.

It doesn't matter what form of government, where it is, who occupies which offices, how many voters or who voted or any of those things. If it is coercive and violent it is wrong, criminal. The difference between right/left, this or that president, what the issues are, etc, all negligible, doesn't change a thing. It is still criminal because it is still violent. It still violates people on behalf of constituents.

Your reasoning thus far has been that it is okay of it is this reason to violate, but not those reasons to violate. My point is that it is not okay to violate, regardless of who's doing it or their reasons.

The left/right paradigm is just to keep everyone fighting, divided, conquered, taking turns using government to boss each other around in mass. It makes you see people as Democrats/Liberals or this or that social demographic or category instead of a person with rights and a valid life. Don't fall for their crap.
You seam like an intelligent person but you lean towards the left...based on your comments.
Just look in the mirror and say...Trump is our President, Trump is my President.


I don't care for leftists any more than I do righties. They are all criminals because they all demand government violate on their behalf, or otherwise participate in it in some way. And I don't have or need a president. Trump is no different than Obama or any of them. They are all the same to me. They are all just criminals who I don't particularly like.
Then your argument would be like we can control ourselves like the episode of Walking Dead Season 7, episode 1...I watched this morning on Netflix. It would be brutal.
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Senior Member
You cannot disagree with reality. That is called "denial". Remember? His job s to manage large scale systematic violence, just like any and all heads of state. "State" means violent gang, and "head of" means leader. Therefore he is a leader of a violent gang and he is tasked with managing it. He's just another criminal, Paula.

And all of those things you cite are simply narratives used as tools to manipulate you into perceiving a false reality thereby making you vulnerable.

Not meaning this as an attack whatsoever, but you don't have cable TV and I'm not sure what your sources of information are, but there are things being uncovered right now that prove that ALL the conspiracy theories about a corrupt government are INDEED TRUE and Trump is uncovering ALL of it as he promised. ALL of it. You don't have to agree with me, but there is definitely information about the entire government being dug up at the moment. The Clintons are guilty as we have suspected for many years.

So, how does this tie into time travel? Theory - *IF* Trump time traveled, he saw a corrupt future with the Clintons in charge once again and wanted to stop it.

Cable TV? Are you serious? Please tell me that you are not so naive and caught up in wishful thinking that you fail to see that things are not really any different than all the others in the past. Please tell me you're joking.

What are you saying, hes missing something by not having it > CableTV ?


You cannot disagree with reality. That is called "denial". Remember? His job s to manage large scale systematic violence, just like any and all heads of state. "State" means violent gang, and "head of" means leader. Therefore he is a leader of a violent gang and he is tasked with managing it. He's just another criminal, Paula.

And all of those things you cite are simply narratives used as tools to manipulate you into perceiving a false reality thereby making you vulnerable.

Not meaning this as an attack whatsoever, but you don't have cable TV and I'm not sure what your sources of information are, but there are things being uncovered right now that prove that ALL the conspiracy theories about a corrupt government are INDEED TRUE and Trump is uncovering ALL of it as he promised. ALL of it. You don't have to agree with me, but there is definitely information about the entire government being dug up at the moment. The Clintons are guilty as we have suspected for many years.

So, how does this tie into time travel? Theory - *IF* Trump time traveled, he saw a corrupt future with the Clintons in charge once again and wanted to stop it.

Cable TV? Are you serious? Please tell me that you are not so naive and caught up in wishful thinking that you fail to see that things are not really any different than all the others in the past. Please tell me you're joking.

Ok, if someone doesn't read the paper, listen to news, or even go out the door, they only have their own imagination. How are they going to learn about the world hidden in a room all day?


Not meaning this as an attack whatsoever, but you don't have cable TV and I'm not sure what your sources of information are, but there are things being uncovered right now that prove that ALL the conspiracy theories about a corrupt government are INDEED TRUE and Trump is uncovering ALL of it as he promised. ALL of it. You don't have to agree with me, but there is definitely information about the entire government being dug up at the moment. The Clintons are guilty as we have suspected for many years.

So, how does this tie into time travel? Theory - *IF* Trump time traveled, he saw a corrupt future with the Clintons in charge once again and wanted to stop it.

Cable TV? Are you serious? Please tell me that you are not so naive and caught up in wishful thinking that you fail to see that things are not really any different than all the others in the past. Please tell me you're joking.

Ok, if someone doesn't read the paper, listen to news, or even go out the door, they only have their own imagination. How are they going to learn about the world hidden in a room all day?

That presumes my ignorance through detachment and withdrawal. I see what's going on. ...maybe more than you realize.

I thought that was rather odd to list cable TV (MSM) as if it were a credible source. My experiences and research tells me that the MSM presents only enough facts to make the story believable, that most of it is for manipulating the masses. It's just a big spin machine used as a tool to tell you what you want or think. The internet has been similarly exploited, but includes free thought and independent voices. All needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

As for Trump; He apparently knows things. He isn't the glorious savior the people hoped for though. He's just another criminal filling a job position. You don't make it to 'Criminal In Chief' unless you play by the rules of the rulers, and they ain't the American people.


Cable TV? Are you serious? Please tell me that you are not so naive and caught up in wishful thinking that you fail to see that things are not really any different than all the others in the past. Please tell me you're joking.

Ok, if someone doesn't read the paper, listen to news, or even go out the door, they only have their own imagination. How are they going to learn about the world hidden in a room all day?

That presumes my ignorance through detachment and withdrawal. I see what's going on. ...maybe more than you realize.

I thought that was rather odd to list cable TV (MSM) as if it were a credible source. My experiences and research tells me that the MSM presents only enough facts to make the story believable, that most of it is for manipulating the masses. It's just a big spin machine used as a tool to tell you what you want or think. The internet has been similarly exploited, but includes free thought and independent voices. All needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

As for Trump; He apparently knows things. He isn't the glorious savior the people hoped for though. He's just another criminal filling a job position. You don't make it to 'Criminal In Chief' unless you play by the rules of the rulers, and they ain't the American people.

The most powerful country on the planet Earth and its people are all criminals -
Destroyers of the Planet - the ruin of the Earth's wealth-the glitter of diamonds prestige
Destroyers of simple people - your own, the power of atom, hydrogen
Destroyers of the air, the sea.

Criminals are all around him, those who say that he is not good!
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Back to the topic. Is Donald Trump a time traveler? I honestly don't believe so, although there have been amazing coincidences in the predictions of his presidency. I'm afraid someone else is the time traveler. The questions is, who?
