Omicron BA.2 Variant May Be Extra Transmissible


Sounds like we might have a second Omicron wave, so to speak.

What to expect?


The Omicron sublineage BA.2 is making headlines for its potentially increased transmissibility as its prevalence rises in some countries, but experts aren't too concerned about the variant just yet.

Late last week, the U.K. Health Security Agency designated BA.2 a "variant under investigation" as cases were doubling every 4 days and showing a 120% growth advantage over the original Omicron clade, known as BA.1, said Katelyn Jetelina, PhD, MPH, an epidemiologist at UT Health Science Center at Houston.

Other countries, including Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and India, have seen similar growth for BA.2, Jetelina reported in her Substack email. Still, she said, it's "likely nothing like the huge transmissibility jump we saw from Delta to Omicron," which was a 500% growth advantage.

So far some 8,000 cases of BA.2 have been detected in 40 countries, according to news reports.

BA.2 is not a new sublineage. It was first detected in December and made headlines then as the "stealth" Omicron variant because it did not have the same s-gene target failure on PCR testing that BA.1 did. That's because it lacks the spike deletions 69-70 in BA.1, so s-gene targets still turn up positive.

That means BA.2 doesn't have a special signal that tells labs it's Omicron, so labs now must go to genetic sequencing to identify variants, Jetelina said.

She added that while it has many of the same mutations as BA.1, it has a lot of differences too. While BA.1 had about 60 mutations, BA.2 has about 85 mutations.

While it appears to have a transmission advantage, it's not clear what the additional mutations mean for severity, immune evasion, and other parameters.

"It may have a slight growth advantage but [there's] no evidence at all yet that it can evade Omicron (BA.1) immunity or be different to Omicron in any meaningful way," tweeted Meaghan Kall, a PhD student at the U.K.'s Health Security Agency. "Variants will continue to emerge, but not all variants will be a problem."

She noted that while the growth advantage for BA.2 looks "more than slight," it's still "too early to say with so few samples. This happens every time a variant emerges first couple weeks, some sort of founder effect. I'll trust growth estimates next week more."

"Only having a transmissibility advantage at this stage of the game (with population immunity so high) isn't a total showstopper," Kall added.

In Denmark, BA.2 now accounts for nearly half of all cases detected there. Early data, however, indicate that it has not been associated with an increase in hospitalizations there. Health authorities there also said there's likely to be a minimal difference in vaccine effectiveness between BA.1 and BA.2.

Norway reported a rapid increase in BA.2 infections, rising from seven cases detected on Jan. 4 to 611 cases detected on Jan. 19, the majority occurring in Oslo. Norwegian authorities also concurred that BA.2 is likely more contagious than BA.1.

Still, there are no data yet on the key question of whether those who were infected with the "original" Omicron can get re-infected with BA.2.

Omicron is not the first variant to have a "plus" version. Last year, the Delta Plus variant made headlines, but never gained much ground over the original Delta variant.



Senior Member
Sounds like we might have a second Omicron wave, so to speak.

What to expect?


The Omicron sublineage BA.2 is making headlines for its potentially increased transmissibility as its prevalence rises in some countries, but experts aren't too concerned about the variant just yet.

Late last week, the U.K. Health Security Agency designated BA.2 a "variant under investigation" as cases were doubling every 4 days and showing a 120% growth advantage over the original Omicron clade, known as BA.1, said Katelyn Jetelina, PhD, MPH, an epidemiologist at UT Health Science Center at Houston.

Other countries, including Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and India, have seen similar growth for BA.2, Jetelina reported in her Substack email. Still, she said, it's "likely nothing like the huge transmissibility jump we saw from Delta to Omicron," which was a 500% growth advantage.

So far some 8,000 cases of BA.2 have been detected in 40 countries, according to news reports.

BA.2 is not a new sublineage. It was first detected in December and made headlines then as the "stealth" Omicron variant because it did not have the same s-gene target failure on PCR testing that BA.1 did. That's because it lacks the spike deletions 69-70 in BA.1, so s-gene targets still turn up positive.

That means BA.2 doesn't have a special signal that tells labs it's Omicron, so labs now must go to genetic sequencing to identify variants, Jetelina said.

She added that while it has many of the same mutations as BA.1, it has a lot of differences too. While BA.1 had about 60 mutations, BA.2 has about 85 mutations.

While it appears to have a transmission advantage, it's not clear what the additional mutations mean for severity, immune evasion, and other parameters.

"It may have a slight growth advantage but [there's] no evidence at all yet that it can evade Omicron (BA.1) immunity or be different to Omicron in any meaningful way," tweeted Meaghan Kall, a PhD student at the U.K.'s Health Security Agency. "Variants will continue to emerge, but not all variants will be a problem."

She noted that while the growth advantage for BA.2 looks "more than slight," it's still "too early to say with so few samples. This happens every time a variant emerges first couple weeks, some sort of founder effect. I'll trust growth estimates next week more."

"Only having a transmissibility advantage at this stage of the game (with population immunity so high) isn't a total showstopper," Kall added.

In Denmark, BA.2 now accounts for nearly half of all cases detected there. Early data, however, indicate that it has not been associated with an increase in hospitalizations there. Health authorities there also said there's likely to be a minimal difference in vaccine effectiveness between BA.1 and BA.2.

Norway reported a rapid increase in BA.2 infections, rising from seven cases detected on Jan. 4 to 611 cases detected on Jan. 19, the majority occurring in Oslo. Norwegian authorities also concurred that BA.2 is likely more contagious than BA.1.

Still, there are no data yet on the key question of whether those who were infected with the "original" Omicron can get re-infected with BA.2.

Omicron is not the first variant to have a "plus" version. Last year, the Delta Plus variant made headlines, but never gained much ground over the original Delta variant.

Regular omicron is low impact on the body. I don't know about people who have not had their vax, but omicron is definitely not the threat delta was.


Temporal Engineer
Seems like an unending wave of mutating killer viruses to me. Without proof! Sounds like a great plot line for a sci fi movie.


Senior Member
Seems like an unending wave of mutating killer viruses to me. Without proof! Sounds like a great plot line for a sci fi movie.
You have to start at the beginning which off the record was Wuhan. covid came from a ( dog coughing ), ( a postman who farted and the gas became deadly ), ( a humming bird that ate movie popcorn and this turned into a virus ), or a laboratory. Okay out of any of those choices as I don't desire to get myself in trouble, if it was from a lab, then there were two inter-reactive layers to it.

One was people to people breath out passed and the other pure airborne. Or always in the air and stayed that way. The pure airborne came to the US via the Pacific Jetstream in 1-2nd 2020 and started to effect in that time. This while people to people breath, made its way around the other side of the globe.

*Know that the only way one can get rabies inside of the basic viral shell of the corona virus, is by dumping raw bat mRNA HIV into a large incubation vat, probably with very micro tool use. If that's what came out of that lab, then this was never a baby of nature. The creation of this virus was by the hand of humans.

You can let this simmer on the back burner, till late 2022 till omicron appeared. So what then is omicron if it's not within the charter of the original viruses escaped from a said supposed Wuhan lab? Right' this is the hand of nature and it seems that sometimes nature possesses the ability to say, "This situation's wrong, it mussen't be. I have the authority so I will correct this and fashion a phase out or order to step down virus.

Annnd This is just what occurred with the creation of omicron by mommy nature. One can still get sick, or in some rare cases die, but not to the former levels of delta variant covid. That's it, simple pimple.


Temporal Engineer
You have to start at the beginning which off the record was Wuhan. covid came from a ( dog coughing ), ( a postman who farted and the gas became deadly ), ( a humming bird that ate movie popcorn and this turned into a virus ), or a laboratory. Okay out of any of those choices as I don't desire to get myself in trouble, if it was from a lab, then there were two inter-reactive layers to it.

One was people to people breath out passed and the other pure airborne. Or always in the air and stayed that way. The pure airborne came to the US via the Pacific Jetstream in 1-2nd 2020 and started to effect in that time. This while people to people breath, made its way around the other side of the globe.

*Know that the only way one can get rabies inside of the basic viral shell of the corona virus, is by dumping raw bat mRNA HIV into a large incubation vat, probably with very micro tool use. If that's what came out of that lab, then this was never a baby of nature. The creation of this virus was by the hand of humans.

You can let this simmer on the back burner, till late 2022 till omicron appeared. So what then is omicron if it's not within the charter of the original viruses escaped from a said supposed Wuhan lab? Right' this is the hand of nature and it seems that sometimes nature possesses the ability to say, "This situation's wrong, it mussen't be. I have the authority so I will correct this and fashion a phase out or order to step down virus.

Annnd This is just what occurred with the creation of omicron by mommy nature. One can still get sick, or in some rare cases die, but not to the former levels of delta variant covid. That's it, simple pimple.

I don't agree. I'm saying Wuhan is just a diversionary smoke screen to keep us all from from looking at the facts instead. Follow the money! The drug companies collected big time. They are the prime suspects for the entire hoax! I think the Republicans are in bed with the drug companies. So it looks like a big setup for the Democrats that took the bait. The Democrats have committed political suicide. The Republicans are successfully handed power again by the people.


Senior Member
I don't agree. I'm saying Wuhan is just a diversionary smoke screen to keep us all from from looking at the facts instead. Follow the money! The drug companies collected big time. They are the prime suspects for the entire hoax! I think the Republicans are in bed with the drug companies. So it looks like a big setup for the Democrats that took the bait. The Democrats have committed political suicide. The Republicans are successfully handed power again by the people.
This is somewhat a skewed view here, If as you say the republicans are in bed with the drug companies? wouldnt they in this view be partly responsible and be the criminals and less likely to have power handed back to them.

Don't forget the Republicans were in power when this started.


Temporal Engineer
This is somewhat a skewed view here, If as you say the republicans are in bed with the drug companies? wouldnt they in this view be partly responsible and be the criminals and less likely to have power handed back to them.

Don't forget the Republicans were in power when this started.

From my viewpoint they look like they will be the saviors. Just remember inflation happened on the Democrats watch. Along with the lockdowns, the loss of 50% of small businesses, and the silly mask mandates that have no basis in fact. The people don't like being lied too either. Yet we keep hearing the Democrats lie to us daily. I doubt anyone will even uncover the hoax. The Wuhan smoke screen worked.
