Paranormalis: 20 Year Anniversary


Hey everyone!

Today, Paranormalis celebrates its 20th anniversary.

I want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU, to every single one of you, who joined and took part in the forum’s success over the years.

I have a hard time processing that our community has been around for that long. What a journey, man. So many things have been shared, so many ideas, so many thoughts. So many moments.
Few websites make it to 20 years… A couple of years ago, the average lifespan of websites online was under 3 years!

I love this place. Having a good time while sharing our common love of all things paranormal and time travel. Making friends, growing, and evolving together. Caring for one another.

I could say hundreds of cool things about Paranormalis, but they would all pale in comparison to the fun I’ve had visiting this place and exchanging with everyone. And to the joy the forum and its members have brought me along the way. I can just hope it has brought you as much fun and joy.

Well, happy birthday Paranormalis! Happy anniversary everyone!

Again, thank you for sticking around and being part of the family. It means a lot.


P.S. Make sure to join us tonight in our “20 Years Together” Chat Event. See you there!
