Question for time travel believers


Junior Member
For the record, I'm undecided on this. I've never used an HDR but I find the concept interesting.

Anyway, for those who believe they've really traveled through time - have you ever gone a short distance, for example to next week, and verified your results? This would truly prove whether you time traveled or not. Having a really vivid dream about life 500 years from now may be interesting, but it doesn't tell you anything about whether you actually time traveled versus whether you just had a really intense dream.


I've used the HDR, but I never had interesting experiences that would have allowed me to test its reliability as an astral time travel device. Too bad.

I get what you mean, though. How do you validate if a very vivid dream is a future vision, or simply a random dream? That's a great question.


Junior Member
I've used the HDR, but I never had interesting experiences that would have allowed me to test its reliability as an astral time travel device. Too bad.

I get what you mean, though. How do you validate if a very vivid dream is a future vision, or simply a random dream? That's a great question.

It should surely be easy to prove if it works. Go a few days or weeks into the future, turn on a TV, and find the date and time of a major event that hasn't happened yet. If you claim that Kid Rock will have a heart attack at 6pm on April 19th and he actually has a heart attack at 6pm on April 19th then it suggests that you really did time travel.

I've noticed that a lot of time travel predictions are typically extrapolations on what people might expect right now. Saying something like "I went 10 years into the future and Russia started a nuclear WW3" is, I suppose, a possibility but it's also an extrapolated guess that you could conceivably make right now. This was basically John Titor's gig. I'd be interested in more trivial, harder-to-predict details that aren't the subject of widespread speculation at the moment.

Or hell, get the winning Powerball numbers and buy us all HDRs with your winnings.

I guess the problem is that time travel would be so lucrative that anyone who claims to be a time traveler (or with the capacity to see into the future) should be a multi-millionaire in short order.


Active Member
It should surely be easy to prove if it works. Go a few days or weeks into the future, turn on a TV, and find the date and time of a major event that hasn't happened yet. If you claim that Kid Rock will have a heart attack at 6pm on April 19th and he actually has a heart attack at 6pm on April 19th then it suggests that you really did time travel.

I've noticed that a lot of time travel predictions are typically extrapolations on what people might expect right now. Saying something like "I went 10 years into the future and Russia started a nuclear WW3" is, I suppose, a possibility but it's also an extrapolated guess that you could conceivably make right now. This was basically John Titor's gig. I'd be interested in more trivial, harder-to-predict details that aren't the subject of widespread speculation at the moment.

Or hell, get the winning Powerball numbers and buy us all HDRs with your winnings.

I guess the problem is that time travel would be so lucrative that anyone who claims to be a time traveler (or with the capacity to see into the future) should be a multi-millionaire in short order.
Thats a nice idea in theory but it doesn't really work like that, for a couple of reasons. First, time is neither linear, nor singular. Going into the future in time, doesn't mean going into the future of your time line. Same issue mediums have sometimes, every time you look at the future it changes just because you looked in the first place. With so many billions and billions of timeline potentials every second the chances of going into your own timeline are extremely small even with high technology. For this reason its not really even fair to call it time travel, its more like parallel time line jumping, anything you come back with isn't guaranteed, especially things like lottery numbers.
One of the reasons for the lottery thing is, if you didn't time travel you probably wouldn't be as obsessed with looking at the lottery numbers as they are rolling out, so your natural timeline probabilities wouldn't lead you to a winning lottery number list to begin with, which means you are jumping to a different timeline altogether just because you tried to influence it, but you shouldn't start by trying to jump into winning lotto futures, you should first obsess with the numbers, each and every single time they do them.
Only when you do this do and live this way for a while (minimum three months) do the natural probabilities of you winning a future time line become accessible and likely.
The other thing is, although we technically have freewill in 5d, down here on earth, we don't, we signed that away the minute we signed the earth incarnation contract. We therefore have blueprints and contractual obligations which the universe is always pushing us towards, now there are rituals and stuff to terminate all signed contracts but there are easier said than done and also require repetitions, in multiples. The last person I discussed this idea with suggested every day for a month, but I raise the three month minimum here again because that is how long it takes for the electromagnetic field of the heart to resonate with chanted words.
So, lets assume for three months you have been obsessed with the lottos and doing freewill spiritual work, if your incarnation contract wasn't blueprinted to win it then the universe itself will conspire against you winning it.
So, as you can see there are an awful lot of issues to overcome.
The catch to all this is, perhaps you contracted to not only win a lottery but also prove time travel was real, build a machine and all that good stuff, you can be damn sure the govts have been keeping a really close eye on you since you stood out from the norms of society from an early age, even if you incarnated into an abuse family in an attempt to hide away your natural higher vibrational energy.
It is actually easier to view a mass timeline potential rather than an individual one, because time is a frequency thing, tailored to the individual consciousness that is viewing it, the more observers you have to the event the more likely you will come across repeated patterns in all of them, which only really happens when its something blueprinted for the collective people. Gigantic events like the two towers incident was easy to predict before the event because it effected about 6 billion people on the planet, that many observers makes it a sure bet in almost every individual reality.
Most of my friends aren't mediums but generally they are quite telepathic and even they can't usually feel more than a month ahead, my own limit isn't better than that either. But feeling variables in advance isn't the same as tuning into smaller timeline effects.
For all of these things really the best way to view the future is using the same principles that the far sight institute use, remote viewing randomly chosen double blind targets. And they still screw it up a lot of the time viewing it from the proof angle.


Junior Member
Thats a nice idea in theory but it doesn't really work like that, for a couple of reasons. First, time is neither linear, nor singular. Going into the future in time, doesn't mean going into the future of your time line. Same issue mediums have sometimes, every time you look at the future it changes just because you looked in the first place. With so many billions and billions of timeline potentials every second the chances of going into your own timeline are extremely small even with high technology. For this reason its not really even fair to call it time travel, its more like parallel time line jumping, anything you come back with isn't guaranteed, especially things like lottery numbers.
One of the reasons for the lottery thing is, if you didn't time travel you probably wouldn't be as obsessed with looking at the lottery numbers as they are rolling out, so your natural timeline probabilities wouldn't lead you to a winning lottery number list to begin with, which means you are jumping to a different timeline altogether just because you tried to influence it, but you shouldn't start by trying to jump into winning lotto futures, you should first obsess with the numbers, each and every single time they do them.
Only when you do this do and live this way for a while (minimum three months) do the natural probabilities of you winning a future time line become accessible and likely.
The other thing is, although we technically have freewill in 5d, down here on earth, we don't, we signed that away the minute we signed the earth incarnation contract. We therefore have blueprints and contractual obligations which the universe is always pushing us towards, now there are rituals and stuff to terminate all signed contracts but there are easier said than done and also require repetitions, in multiples. The last person I discussed this idea with suggested every day for a month, but I raise the three month minimum here again because that is how long it takes for the electromagnetic field of the heart to resonate with chanted words.
So, lets assume for three months you have been obsessed with the lottos and doing freewill spiritual work, if your incarnation contract wasn't blueprinted to win it then the universe itself will conspire against you winning it.
So, as you can see there are an awful lot of issues to overcome.
The catch to all this is, perhaps you contracted to not only win a lottery but also prove time travel was real, build a machine and all that good stuff, you can be damn sure the govts have been keeping a really close eye on you since you stood out from the norms of society from an early age, even if you incarnated into an abuse family in an attempt to hide away your natural higher vibrational energy.
It is actually easier to view a mass timeline potential rather than an individual one, because time is a frequency thing, tailored to the individual consciousness that is viewing it, the more observers you have to the event the more likely you will come across repeated patterns in all of them, which only really happens when its something blueprinted for the collective people. Gigantic events like the two towers incident was easy to predict before the event because it effected about 6 billion people on the planet, that many observers makes it a sure bet in almost every individual reality.
Most of my friends aren't mediums but generally they are quite telepathic and even they can't usually feel more than a month ahead, my own limit isn't better than that either. But feeling variables in advance isn't the same as tuning into smaller timeline effects.
For all of these things really the best way to view the future is using the same principles that the far sight institute use, remote viewing randomly chosen double blind targets. And they still screw it up a lot of the time viewing it from the proof angle.

Yes, the multiple universes theory has been used to explain many a predictive failure. It is conveniently unfalsifiable and begs the question - how do you even know if you're time traveling?

It sounds like time travel/mediumship and an overactive imagination are entirely indistinguishable.


Senior Member
Sometimes simple it down brings it back to basics, how are we moving forward and how is that measured?

If we are measured forward why cant we have a backwards clock?

What does Perception have to do with all this?



Active Member
Sometimes simple it down brings it back to basics, how are we moving forward and how is that measured?

If we are measured forward why cant we have a backwards clock?

What does Perception have to do with all this?

Reality as you see it is an illusion, it doesnt exist in physical form, this is already proven science, you are not a part of it, walking around touching solid objects it's all a construct. Not quite a computer simulation however the nearest equivalent of how to understand it at the basic level you might as well call it that.

Your life is a virtual world. Not because it's part of a computer program but because of what the universe simply is. it's a part of a fractal consciousness. Your perception of being in physical form is the equivalent of the individual neuron on a singular pathway through an epic brain.

Perception is all that is, life and groupings of life are nothing more than these neurons with similar resonance in a giant energetic bubble that we call a planet.
Each neuron, self aware as it is decides to agree to a set of rules for living experiences within the group which is what incarnation is.

Your projected illusion of reality is all based on how you understand the rules of the game, which is also scientifically measured to be created upto 18 seconds before your physical brain even knows it is taking place.

The energy bubble version of you within the group is tied to a part of you outside the group also, a function that is necessary because to experience this virtual world without it would mean to live knowing all the rules of the game in advance instead of being able to play the game and learn them as you go. In other words there are two versions of you, the one playing the game (the higher you) and the game character (mayhem)

Perception, in this case the brains perception is based on the level of the game you are playing, as in easy, hard, god mode etc. If you have learned some of the rules of the game you can manipulate the virtual world on the fly by controlling your inner energetic mechanics. This is exceptionally slow, so to use more computer terms. The universe is simultaneously created and destroyed per planck second depending on the energetic mechanics within the individuated being, to keep this simple lets assume time was linear and singular so it doesn't get more complex. Call it warp speed. The brain only registers it by seconds, those 18 seconds it takes to register in the brain is after approximately 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 complete universal scale versions of reality have been destroyed.
If you call this process frames of reality, then your brain is only operating at 100000000000000000000000 frames per second, 1/18th of the games full speed.

This 18 second window was the maximum recorded in these types of experiments taken during dozens of different trials and is accessible in public record, using mostly unenlightened beings that think reality is real. In game terms, they are playing easy mode.

But when you play the game for long enough you start to get to higher levels, your creation of this projected shared illusion starts to become malleable, you become a hacker. By controlling your own energetic geometric harmonics within, reality starts to reflect it more quickly, you start creating it 30 seconds in advance and it's no longer random choice. This is where timeline variables become options. You can literally feel ahead and feel the differences between potential timelines that you haven't created yet, your perception of reality isn't autonomic any longer, it is free choice.

The higher the level you get to in the game (in the big picture terms) the more frames per second of life you can see.

Which is quite analogous to the light spectrum too, your eyes only normally perceive 1% of the visible spectrum, which is only about 15% of the full emf spectrum. So you only see 0.15% life unfolding.

As you level up, you start to see more, literally you can see more colours, you can see into the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums and discern tones and shades within them. This is what happens when you experience lsd, it breaks the filters in the brain so that you can perceive more of the spectrum of life. You begin to see the wave forms of the energetics. This is where "reality" starts becoming what academics call the 4th dimension, and spiritualists would call the 4th density, how ghosts can walk through walls, because they no longer choose to see the walls as solid, they choose to see them as the energy bubbles they are and they simply slip through the gaps.

Understand here, I am trying to dumb this shit down a lot but the point is, your perception of reality is based on your projection of reality, and the more you learn to see the projection the more you can change it on the outside.

To bring this back to forum context, time and space are nothing more than perceptions of past or potential realities, each of which is based on the vibration of the game player to begin with, the creation and destruction of which follow geometric codes and formulas.

You do not move forward in time or space, reality only appears to move because the framerate is so smooth and so fast.
The coordinates of any particular frame is what you need to "time travel"


Junior Member
Sometimes simple it down brings it back to basics, how are we moving forward and how is that measured?

If we are measured forward why cant we have a backwards clock?

What does Perception have to do with all this?


You actually can have a backwards clock. You just make the gears go the other way and it will run counter-clockwise at the rate of one second per second.

At the end of the day, we all agree that states change at an apparently consistent rate and this is what we call time. Some people claim that they can travel through time, often through the use of a device like an HDR or through some metaphysical or spiritual means. Presumably they have a reason to believe such a claim. If someone has a really vivid dream or daydreaming session, they don't jump to the conclusion that they've time traveled. So I would assume that anyone claiming such would have some motivation to try that theory out - or would at least have some level of interest in knowing whether this is anything beyond just fantasy.

When it comes down to "Well, there are multiple timelines so I'm not sure that what I saw is actually our future" then the question really needs to be asked: "So what makes you think you're time traveling in the first place?" We don't need any special technology or spiritual powers to guess about the future. And who knows, maybe there are multiple timelines and that's true somewhere but I'm certainly not traveling in time if I sit here and make guesses about what could happen.

It's really nothing new. Throughout history, people have made wild claims that can't be proven either way and they have to be taken on faith. People's ability to believe what they want to believe is very strong.


Active Member
You actually can have a backwards clock. You just make the gears go the other way and it will run counter-clockwise at the rate of one second per second.

At the end of the day, we all agree that states change at an apparently consistent rate and this is what we call time. Some people claim that they can travel through time, often through the use of a device like an HDR or through some metaphysical or spiritual means. Presumably they have a reason to believe such a claim. If someone has a really vivid dream or daydreaming session, they don't jump to the conclusion that they've time traveled. So I would assume that anyone claiming such would have some motivation to try that theory out - or would at least have some level of interest in knowing whether this is anything beyond just fantasy.

When it comes down to "Well, there are multiple timelines so I'm not sure that what I saw is actually our future" then the question really needs to be asked: "So what makes you think you're time traveling in the first place?" We don't need any special technology or spiritual powers to guess about the future. And who knows, maybe there are multiple timelines and that's true somewhere but I'm certainly not traveling in time if I sit here and make guesses about what could happen.

It's really nothing new. Throughout history, people have made wild claims that can't be proven either way and they have to be taken on faith. People's ability to believe what they want to believe is very strong.
You could really benefit from doing some actual research, right now you are operating under the delusion of nescience, the false belief that there is no proof.
You wouldn't believe what already has been proven because you don't want to, you want to sit there and demand proof, and the first time anyone puts that proof in your face you will still choose not to believe it because in order to do so would mean you have to change your beliefs of how the world works.
Whether it's time travel, reincarnation, telepathy, there is more proof out there than you would have time to read through, sometimes the interpretation of the results is a little warped depending on who did the research but it's there none the less.
Do the time, do the reading, learn the truth.


Junior Member
You could really benefit from doing some actual research, right now you are operating under the delusion of nescience, the false belief that there is no proof.
You wouldn't believe what already has been proven because you don't want to, you want to sit there and demand proof, and the first time anyone puts that proof in your face you will still choose not to believe it because in order to do so would mean you have to change your beliefs of how the world works.
Whether it's time travel, reincarnation, telepathy, there is more proof out there than you would have time to read through, sometimes the interpretation of the results is a little warped depending on who did the research but it's there none the less.
Do the time, do the reading, learn the truth.

What "proof" are you talking about? Feel free to share.
