

Senior Member
Theres a lot of venom between both sides so they will drag it right out till the end hurting the average folk.


Active Member
LWO Democrats have spent TRILLION$ over budget, directly caused inflation and all kinds of other crap, and now they are getting pissy/whiny when people tell them they can't spend any more... so they shut down the government and the stupid LWO lamestream media hypes it to hysteria that the world is ending.

For those in the US paying for all this useless crap, every TRILLION dollars is about $3200 per person and about $8300 per tax payer. If we don't pay for it directly, we pay for it in endless debt with unending interest payments. The stupidity of this needs to stop.

I have to live under a budget. The government should, too.


Temporal Engineer
I think a permanent shutdown of the power of the purse is the only feasible path forward. The government will now have to be operated on a voluntary status. Those that can't afford the new status will be forced to step down.


Active Member
I think a permanent shutdown of the power of the purse is the only feasible path forward. The government will now have to be operated on a voluntary status. Those that can't afford the new status will be forced to step down.
Think of it guys will it be like a super poor USA?? Where it becomes a cashless society? Where all we eat is bean and bread all the time? What you guy think of it


Temporal Engineer
Think of it guys will it be like a super poor USA?? Where it becomes a cashless society? Where all we eat is bean and bread all the time? What you guy think of it

The money supply is the property of its citizens, not the government. Yet the government has successfully impoverished millions of citizens. Through exorbitant taxation and unconstitutional regulations.


Active Member
Think of it guys will it be like a super poor USA?? Where it becomes a cashless society?
This is why the governments of the world have shown some hostility towards bitcoin. They can't just print another TRILLION more and steal from everyone indirectly. The thing they do like about digital currencies is the open ledger block chain. Once they get your wallet ID, they can passively snoop everything you do.

You aren't "rich" if everyone owes the government a house in "debt taxes"... but the stuipid government keeps making new credit cards and hitting spending limits every time they reach the new "debt ceiling". It's a scam beyond scams. If people ran their businesses that way, they'd be tossed in prison and the key would be lost.
