Something's Going On...........


Here's one for the books.

Since switching my work hours to overnight(s), I have seen my share of oddities but one really stands out.

Using this picture for reference, here's what I watched happen on my way in to work, late October.


Unlike ^^This photo^^^, it was dark with no traffic at all and I could see two lights in the distance,
on the left was red, the right was bright white and aimed downwards.

I noticed whatever this was on the horizon, was slowly moving to the right and it was BIG!
I came to a complete stop just before the intersection to the highway and got out of my car.

Looking up at around 35 degrees forward, was this silent vehicle floating across the sky.
It was when I realized the depth of it's size that rooted me to the spot.
Both lights were moving at the exact same time.

For some perspective using the picture above,
go about 10' to the right of the Stop Sign and up to the tree line and then
about 4 feet to the left of the Light Pole on the left side of the picture above.

Both lights were moving in conjunction with each other making it seem
as though they were a part of whatever it was I was looking at.
In the actual sighting...there were far less trees than in the photo I am using as reference here.

I was watching and trying to capture a photo when all of a sudden I heard what sounded
like a single fuel engine starting up coming from whatever this was.
It was exceptionally distant sounding, echoing from the night sky
and that's when I saw the front white light was pointed at the ground like a search light.

If it were any registered aircraft,
the red light should have been a green light assuming it was the right side I was seeing.

All I know is that, to be seemingly that far up on the horizon,
to cover THAT amount of space from left to right and
using the intersection for width and depth perception, it was quite large.

When that engine suddenly turned on....I admit...I got out of there in a hurry
and went on my way to work.

Several days later, I went online trying to investigate.
It was very near a small town called Princeton in MN. and near their airport,
however, when I checked the public register of all aircraft for the month of October.
There was nothing remotely suggesting any air craft landing...Or needing assistance....Just a big fat zero.

IMO...The way the thing hung in the air, floating slowly along on the Northern horizon
it could have been some sort of dirigible which would explain the single engine sounding out from the distance.
The sound itself is what got to me the most...Almost like it was being sounded through a speaker as it sputtered.

It was way too big to be a public drone of any kind.

All I really know is that it was HUGE and again...I'm a failure at recording a proper video! (Dammit!)

I wish I had just called into work saying I was going to be late and then
just taken my time to document this one.

So.....Giving all of that,
what is your best guess or idea of what that could have been?

What kind of thing and WHY?

Was I seeing aliens? :alien:

Some sort of Govt craft come to spy on farmers and their livestock?

Conspiracy....Or No....?


Active Member
The tr3b measures about 34m across its length in an equilateral shape, The tr3a (alpha) may be bigger than this by a small amount or a significant amount, i'm not sure either way. Not found much about them. Neither of them make an engine sound. If it was black military this is their standard for recon and the colours fit. The sound though not at all. They are 100% silent unless you are at a perfect 90x90degrees perpendicular to the mercury drive centre and within the emf field shift region which is quite large, where you would only hear a slight pitch sound even if you could hear that frequency which most can't.
If it was black military what ever engine you heard wasn't from the ship. But may have been something they were observing or someone they were looking for.

Et ships sizes are far too varied to catalogue but I am aware of what we would call drop ships models about the size I think you're meaning here. Would be helpful if you drew over the image...Again though they don't make a sound that most can hear.
I've only ever heard one et ship but theirs aren't like a frequency static, it's more like a frequency tone. It's more harmonious if you will.
Many are actually quite small though as they are mostly fast recon or scan types, drones if you will but usually 1-3 occupants, usually its these guys saying hello to people. Their military based stuff is a whole different matter. Unbelievably fast in and out of atmosphere and by that I mean measure from mach in scores to light years per day using 3-4 different engine types, shields, weapons...more like a super beefed up mig with much sexier curves and less wing.


The tr3b measures about 34m across its length in an equilateral shape, The tr3a (alpha) may be bigger than this by a small amount or a significant amount, i'm not sure either way. Not found much about them. Neither of them make an engine sound. If it was black military this is their standard for recon and the colours fit. The sound though not at all. They are 100% silent unless you are at a perfect 90x90degrees perpendicular to the mercury drive centre and within the emf field shift region which is quite large, where you would only hear a slight pitch sound even if you could hear that frequency which most can't.
If it was black military what ever engine you heard wasn't from the ship. But may have been something they were observing or someone they were looking for.

Et ships sizes are far too varied to catalogue but I am aware of what we would call drop ships models about the size I think you're meaning here. Would be helpful if you drew over the image...Again though they don't make a sound that most can hear.
I've only ever heard one et ship but theirs aren't like a frequency static, it's more like a frequency tone. It's more harmonious if you will.
Many are actually quite small though as they are mostly fast recon or scan types, drones if you will but usually 1-3 occupants, usually its these guys saying hello to people. Their military based stuff is a whole different matter. Unbelievably fast in and out of atmosphere and by that I mean measure from mach in scores to light years per day using 3-4 different engine types, shields, weapons...more like a super beefed up mig with much sexier curves and less wing.

I will say this much about it, it was definitely a UAP.

Since you brought up the good ol' tr3....


This perfectly describes the UAP (UFO) my own mum saw passing over the highway she drove on her way home
at 1 am way back in the 1990's.

Anoka Minnesota was knick-named the UFO State Capital around then.
Some stories even made it into the local newspapers.

Unfortunately, none of the above explains what I saw, at all.

I'm sticking with the Dirigible theory as what I saw was definitely a craft of some sort with
a fuel driven engine.....OR it was a sound being thrown out by some sort of speaker system
to merely sound like an engine.

What better disguise than to emulate an actual craft.
It's puzzling to me and there's a song I was listening to at the time that
brings it all right back the moment I hear it.
Then again...Being a retired musician, I've always had that trait.


This is Really Reaching.....But for all I know, it could've been this.

Stranger things and all.
Here's a possibility however vague.
It's flight itinerary shows 1 possible flight from California to Florida near Late October.

SoFi Stadium
Inglewood, CA
October 16, 2023

This would have been within the frame of time leaving CA to Florida,
it could have been waylaid into Minnesota airspace to avoid a jet stream scenario (Big If!)
Would they fly it or would they pack and ship it there?

Hard Rock Stadium
Miami Gardens, FL
October 21, 2023



Looking at this picture,
it would indeed match the light placement of the lights I witnessed of the thing.
'Front bright white, downward-projected beam and red light which was positioned higher than the front light.

It had no other lights and it was a clouded atmosphere...No stars at all.

I think it really was a dirigible...... :unsure:

(And...No, not the Goodyear variety. ;) )
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