Debate The maximum strength ORMUS


Active Member
I saw a description of ORMUS the monatomic gold and its positive effects on physical & mental powers of humans, animals & plants.
Based on that non-English description, I have created a sketch of how to extract the ORMUS from 24 karat gold.
Glad to share with members, comments are welcome/


Active Member
if you take pure ormus powder, heat and pressurize it will form a solid ceramic material. If you compose the pyramid in your sketch of solidified ormus rods you'll get better results.

If ya heat to 1000F in a high vacuum under high pressure the ormus will turn into a transparent gold glass. Mentioned in the bible as what heaven is constructed of.

New jersualem is said to be composed of transparent gold like glass. Also described as a terraced mountain with a square bottom with god in the center radiating his light. Sound familiar? Pyramid perhaps?

Aluminum can also form a transparent glass form as well if it's sintered and the right alloy. Some claimed to have found cities composed entirely of this transparent aluminum alloy deep underground and floating in Saturn's rings. Might also be a few atlantean pyramids constructed of it sitting on the ocean floor.

The glass isn't quartz's a crystalline form of ormus gold or the aluminum alloy.

"And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each one of the gates was a single pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass." (Revelation 21:21)

"And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass." (Revelation 21:18)

Copper metal and ormus both make orgone and radiate it as waves too based on it's temperature. Hotter they are, more it emits.

One effect it has upon objects is it will melt metals without heat, the melted metal will start to boil off as a gas. Rigid objects however will lose weight and start glowing. Ormus is a rigid material.

Hudson basically stated that if you can chop up gold into bits small enough it automatically becomes ormus. So if gold melts without heat that's pretty small.

Josh Gulick claims he built a 5 foot copper pyramid, put it in a closed off bedroom with no moving air, EMF or light and hung a gold coin from the apex. Said the coin melted to a red liquid and fell to the floor. The same experiment but not in a closed off room produced a red oil on the gold coin which later 'dried' to a white powder. Which I'm sure you're familiar with. :)

Would be neat to see what happens if you surrounded the pyramid with a Kozyrev spiral aluminum mirror.

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Active Member
this is another interesting post from you..plz do you have a link or know some one who made transparent gold bar ?


Active Member
Green ORMUS Glass?

  • "And in fact, I believe there was a forge going on Mt. Sinai, because at 1,160 degrees the white powder of gold can be melted to a transparent glass of gold. It literally becomes a glass as clear as window glass, and yet it is pure gold, it's not a gold compound, it's pure gold. You can take it in a mortar and pestle and grind it right back to the white powder, but it is, it looks absolutely like glass."
    --David Hudson, Dallas presentation
What people don't realize is each ormus atom has 12 energy levels. Each level is exponential and lowers the sublimination temperature. Each level has a slightly different properties. Different atomic diameters, somewhat different electron configurations, etc.

The higher energy ormus if heated and pressurized in a sintering press will convert to a giant crystalline shape. You can consider ormus powder to be a crystal as well but in tiny clumps. This unifies them into a giant single crystal. Heating ormus is known to increase it's energy level but at the same time will lower the temp it subliminates to a gas so the single crystal doesn't form.

In the gas state it does act like a wireless gas crystal though. Moves around like a cloud but stays the same size and you can see geometric angles in it. Called sometimes a white dove.

Since most ormus experimented with isn't pure as it's mixed with minerals from natural sources like magnesium oxide, sodium chloride, silicon dioxide, those melt to a liquid and then encase the ormus so it won't vaporize. So most commonly available ormus glass is really a mix of ormus and melted minerals. That's why if you put it in a hot plasma flame it form a glass and not just evaporate. However if you put pure ormus gold powder in a sealed hydraulic cylinder, pressurized without air it will form a pure ormus gold transparent crystal. That crystal if formed into a pyramid does something special.

There's a little confusion as to what exactly happens with each energy level ormus. Some think the lower energy diatomic ormus will melt, some think it only moves to higher energy levels. Mainly the low energy diatomic ormus(most ormus out there) hasn't made the full conversion to an ormus state yet and form large groups of gold atoms halfway converted. So it still has some properties of normal gold and some of ormus gold. Gets confusing.

Nikolai Kozryev said it best. Elastic materials gain elasticity, liquids lose surface tension, gases expand, rigid objects lose weight with slowed time energy. High energy ormus is highly rigid, low energy ormus atoms have some elasticity. Explains why high energy ormus forms a crystal and low energy ormus melts with the other minerals. Both will still vaporize but at different temps.

2 things happen when heating any ormus. It gets more orgone and bumps up a level or so, but also will then reach either the melting temp or sublimination vapor temp in that new energy level. Depending on the actual temp you select to heat it will determine how efficiently it bumps up a level. Ideally you want to heat it to a temp customized for the energy level ormus ya got so it won't vaporize. Higher temps for lower energy ormus is appropriate then lower the temp as it bumps up a level so it doesn't vaporize and escape. This really gets confusing if you have a fractional mix of ormus from natural sources.

Best way to think about ormus is like crude oil. A whole bunch of different chemicals mixed together that can be separated with fractional distillation. Some are more stable than others. Also they can turn into each other if the temp is high enough and there's other materials present like catalysts.
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brian jj

i have actually experimented with this and gotten positive results. Its too bad people just want to regurgitate what they here from other and not do thier own research.

brian jj

here are the pics. I made a pyramid out of annealed steel wire. gold leaf into water wait two weeks.

here is the after effects of what happened to the gold leaf.


I have found from my experiments that the active zone gets smaller as the ratio of height vs base goes up. You can guy gold leaf on ebay.,just make sure the package has the red elephant stamped on it.others without are fake gold.


Active Member
how cool is that? awesome results. I take it the steel wire was a clothes hanger. Have you tried copper or aluminum?

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brian jj

Nope its annealed iron wire. clothes hanger wire is not as active. for some reason I think that it doesn't have the "fire" annealed iron wire has. you can buy it at lowes for 10.00 for a big roll. I built a big pyramid out of tubes for LED t8 lights and those with the annealed iron wire can really transmute gold fast. I need to mention that if you partially freeze a bottle of store bought bottle water like poland spring inside th pyramid th water will taste sweet.


Active Member
yeah the transmutation experiments I did heating certain metals needed annealing too. Cold working metal stiffens the lattice and it won't work. Seems like the same phenomena you found.

So ya put the pyramid inside the freezer with the bottle inside it? Or put an already frozen bottle in the pyramid.

This is the first time I've seen a steel pyramid convert gold to ormus. Thought steel wouldn't work guess I was wrong.
