Schematic Time Transposer

steven chiverton

Senior Member
ive been nagged to change peoples past and if the hdr did work and i finally locate a vortex every tom dick and harrys going to nag you to change there past and thats anoyimg madman marcum had worcer than i had and ive never fully tested mine yet

steven chiverton

Senior Member
so your test may tell you if it dosent work for them to which may be what you expect to hear , from one who dosent have faith in the hdr wimen are the worcest spammers spamming me to arsk to have there past changed , a baby saved a husband saved a child saved and other things all because they read my posts and saw my hdr videos so becarfeull who you share your expererinece or not with your still goner get nagged , and used


Senior Member
ive collected lots of testimonials about the hdr den rad the scare crow his blogs ive collected and very well detailed my hdr i built a number of them but all the electromagnets all 7 of them had heating problems so i designed it with a thicker core and its perfect but no vortex or grid points near my area to even test it on as ive never fully tested mine but oneday i plan to try it but i only want knowledge not time travel yet , those who haven't had any luck with there hdr well steven gibbs did say not everyone will have luck anyhow , what type of test you refer to that can show anyone there hdr works for them , remember what i just said gibbs did say it may not work for everyone, and not everyones going to not say anything if it dident work they would say they got ripped off no secret in not telling all you had no luck i know someone who brought the hdr and had no luck and he admited it but still tried anyhow let me hear about your simple test
G`d morning Cousin Cobber Steve...The Time-Traveller test is very simple, all they have to do is go forward one week into the future and write down three headlines from 3 of the UK or the US daily newspapers...

Then they come back to this time period, and immediately make a new posting giving the headlines to those three newspapers on Paranormalis...If after one week those three postings prove to be correct, then that person is truly a Time-Traveller..

IMHO, I believe when Gibbs made his first postings regarding his STM and the HDR, there was no mention of needing any Vortex or Nights of the Full Moon at 12`o`Clock, Ormus, etc etc, in order to make the STM/HDR operate...All those "excuses" only started AFTER some people had bought those devices and they never ever worked..

steven chiverton

Senior Member
theres only one problem with that anyone traveling to the future end up in paralleled reality and not our own so any newspaper they can get wont be for our reality it be useless why do you think those who have gone time traveling come back with predictions of what they saw only to be found to be wrong and the only explanation left it what they saw and even predicted wasent in our reality they would of been in the alternate reality where everything was different thats why so many are getting it wrong
time machines like the hdr dont com with built in reality checker, ive got all gibbs reports and radio show interviews he dose remind you that you need a vortex to operate it over , or grid point and full moon to so what he missed saying in any easier show is probably what you herd and its in his reports to like gibbs has said before not everyone will get lucky in getting results , remember you dont want a flood of spammers wanting there future changed so not every ones going to talk if they had any luck if you had any luck would you talk about it to knowing you'll get annoyed by idiots wanting you to do there dirty work and change there miserable futures i coundent put up with that the last person to arsk me was i think Chinese he made a really big mistake and is in a lot of pain and wanted me to time travel and change it from half way across the world and i wasn't happy people are so desperate they come to me and ive even had a women message me asking me can i change Mariya past for her when ive already made it clear to her no to much hassle to even try it half way across the world , so the biggest problem having a hdr whether you get lucky with it or not is annoying people wanting you to do things you haven't even done yet so they can be really annoying madmanmarcum had worcer than me and i wont put up with that either, so if someone suddenly wants you to change there past what are you going to say to the hdr to program that with no information to go on and no experience in remote assistance to change someone else timeline in a country you have never been to before and have no information to go on . you to would be anoyed to
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steven chiverton

Senior Member
oh i forgot if you want to travel one week into the future youll need to place a sample from that future in the witness well as a reference and you wont have a sample Fromm the future as a reference point if you havent been there yourself the first place to get one so you may end up in an alternate reality anyhow and like gibbs also said get an old coin from the past and place it in the witness well but for the future that wont be easy if you havent been there to get a coin from the future the first place


Active Member
Thought is the ability for a human to manipulate magnetism. The witness well is derivated from radionic hyeronymus machine. Hdr is a radionic machine. You can use simple amplifier with an image over a copper plate at input, and a coil at output.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
hdr units are house hold voltage powerd and a computer outputs lower so i wouldnt use a pc with a hdr units as the voltages are not compatible really

steven chiverton

Senior Member
maybe the real sceret of the hdr is your biological interface using the rubbing plate its not just your heat from your fingers going into it but also the aura of your body to if you was to put the hdr under kirlien photography machine i wonder how much or your aura travels through it to that you could see with the kirlien machine
