Schematic Time Travel Unit 12/14/85


Junior Member
i dident like the emails sent to me demanding me to build this again in such a hurry so he can go on a ufo hunting expedition with someone at short notice when it takes time to build it and getting magnets for it which have been banned in some states or all so i dont want to do a rush job cause some idiot wants it now and desperately he even said he dosent care if i build it on the floor he wanted it built , and fast . he was pushy and i trusted him and have sent him things i built before and despite telling him i dont plan to make it again a he wouldn't take that for an answer till i got really pissed off and it would of weight alot and be very expensive to send and he offered a measly $70 and buy me a table to build it on with no room where i am to even set up a table to make it one
Ok maybe you should take it up with him I'm guessing, yeah good talk.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
i did my block with him some time ago so im not talking to him anymore due to his demanding rudeness emails he sent so all is well i may latter on build a smaller version but it may take time as ordering different magnets on e bay can be slow and i have to try find a australian seller not chineese as they break the rules and edit the delivery addresses so it dosent arrive nor get reckonised by ausytralian post and gets sent back ive had that a few times


Junior Member
i did my block with him some time ago so im not talking to him anymore due to his demanding rudeness emails he sent so all is well i may latter on build a smaller version but it may take time as ordering different magnets on e bay can be slow and i have to try find a australian seller not chineese as they break the rules and edit the delivery addresses so it dosent arrive nor get reckonised by ausytralian post and gets sent back ive had that a few times
Ok you sound really upset, good luck to you guys hope everything works out, I myself am here purely to see if this hdr machine does what they say it can.


Junior Member
read the steven gibbs time travel reports and den rads hdr blogs he is a member here his hdr blogs are brilliant den rad is the scare crow
No thanks, I'm not interested in words, I've already read a lot about this device over that past 5 years and have being using my friends for 2 years so words are doing absolutely nothing for me at this point, moving on to someone who claims they can travel to prove it, thanks for the advice all the same but I'm not seeking advice right now.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
time travel reports contain testimonials from people who have had luck and time traveled with the hdr cant get any better than that as for proof what good would proof be for you , you cant use it anymore than the written testimonials from those who have had luck in time travel , sometimes those who arsk for proof normally have there own hidden secret agendas, for themselves from someone's own success , so if you have or had some luck and like to share it be careful who you share it with and if you have proof its not always expectable proof to those who want more, so think what would the proof need to be in order to convince you it worked , and if it did it still be no use to you anyhow everyone's success and luck is different so it may not work the same for you to .


Junior Member
time travel reports contain testimonials from people who have had luck and time traveled with the hdr cant get any better than that as for proof what good would proof be for you , you cant use it anymore than the written testimonials from those who have had luck in time travel , sometimes those who arsk for proof normally have there own hidden secret agendas, for themselves from someone's own success , so if you have or had some luck and like to share it be careful who you share it with and if you have proof its not always expectable proof to those who want more, so think what would the proof need to be in order to convince you it worked , and if it did it still be no use to you anyhow everyone's success and luck is different so it may not work the same for you to .
Those so called testi moanals are about as credible as a written script for a soap opera with as little as a shred of evidence to back them up.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
but good reading and strait from the horses mouth is just as good as a YouTube upload which many may be cautious about doing so is just as reliable . to many people who have proved various things have been knocked of by the biggies who try to cover it up . so proving it can be dangerous to and some who arsk for proof may have there own nasty agendas for its use ,

steven chiverton

Senior Member
if someone came up with proof would it be expectable and and if you wasent convinced stand in line with the disinformation types they all twist it around and make some excuse to disprove it so everyone has different tastes and acceptability's these days what many thing may be proof is still arguable and thrown out the window , so why arsk for proof it aint going to make you rich nor help you unless you have your own plans for it


Junior Member
if someone came up with proof would it be expectable and and if you wasent convinced stand in line with the disinformation types they all twist it around and make some excuse to disprove it so everyone has different tastes and acceptability's these days what many thing may be proof is still arguable and thrown out the window , so why arsk for proof it aint going to make you rich nor help you unless you have your own plans for it
Look like I told other people, I'm not here for advice or a debate etc , there are ways to prove travel exists if people are capable of what they claim they can do. If me asking someone who claims they can travel for proof offends you in any away then please feel free to go read another comment.
