

Temporal Engineer
Let’s assume mass is real.
In a proposed environment,
I’m wondering if two elements oscillating closer together and further apart would have an effect on gravity. And if so would the effect on gravity consequently affect spacetime? Such as the ability to expand and contract spacetime in a given environment.

According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, the gravitational force between two objects is determined by their masses and the “distance between their centers. “

If the distance is oscillating continuously would it affect gravity?

In this part of the topic
I’m trying to understand gravity and its effects on spacetime.

You will never understand it by assuming mass is real.

A while back I did propose a method to comprehend gravity just by using existing facts.


Active Member
Change my understanding of mass. Is it just containers of moving particles or other elements?

In the terms of time as a dimension would you say that dimension of time or the 3D dimensions are Permeable? I learned that term in biology as some membranes allow substances to pass thru. If dimension of time can be permeable then could a multiverse having coexisting dimensions of time and space be exited and penetrated from one time/space dimension into another via quantum tunneling?
Thinking of the Titor technology and how it might work if it was real. The story is that it involves gravitational fields.


Active Member
Mass can be converted to energy and Energy can be converted to mass. So is mass a form or state of energy?



This equation expresses the equivalence of mass and energy, highlighting that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa.

Am I on the right track?


Temporal Engineer
Mass allows mathematicians to describe things by cheating or lying. Mass is allowed to have any properties. It remains undefined. I've seen it used as a substitute for weight. And the deeper you dig, it turns out there are many different forms of mass. All those different masses are not equivalent with each other.

E=MC^2 is not even compatible with normal ways we understand energy. You have to get your brain to function inside out and upside down and backwards. Are you sure you even want to become a compliant believer?


Active Member
My understanding as a hobbyist/enthusiast of weird science such as time travel requires space and time. Scientifically they are described as dimensions. Space consists of elements experienced by our senses. And a dimension of time to allow those experiences to occur.
Yes I’m willing to forget K-12 science. The military and college and social interactions exposed me to other realities that early education could not. My dad often explains various theories and I welcome them. One of his favorite novels was Tau Zero. I grew up with Hollywood teaching me science theories in the form of entertainment. Then the internet introduced me to additional info. I have visited Oak Ridge/Secret City area in Tennessee a couple of times trying to grasp various concepts.
When the student is ready the teachers will appear.


Active Member
My understanding as a hobbyist/enthusiast of weird science such as time travel requires space and time. Scientifically they are described as dimensions. Space consists of elements experienced by our senses. And a dimension of time to allow those experiences to occur.
Yes I’m willing to forget K-12 science. The military and college and social interactions exposed me to other realities that early education could not. My dad often explains various theories and I welcome them. One of his favorite novels was Tau Zero. I grew up with Hollywood teaching me science theories in the form of entertainment. Then the internet introduced me to additional info. I have visited Oak Ridge/Secret City area in Tennessee a couple of times trying to grasp various concepts.
When the student is ready the teachers will appear.


Temporal Engineer
Does gravity move? A falling object due to gravity it’s the object that is moving. But from what I understand gravity does not move? Is it a stationary entity? There is less gravity closer to space. So is the mass of earth like a magnet causing more gravity to exist as you get closer to the earth?

The questions you ask are explained by theoreticians. But theory is make believe, not fact. I've got a video for you to watch. It will thoroughly confuse you with all its paradoxes. This is why our science fails. But have fun trying to understand this.

