Where do aliens come from?

Where do aliens come from?

  • Space

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Inner Earth

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Hell

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • The ocean

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Another dimension

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Our minds

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • The outer layering of the matrix

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


I'd say "other spaces". It's a mix of space and parallel universes and/or alternate futures.

I have to believe there are alien civs out there that were able to create efficient space travel methods. In the infinity of the universe, it has to happen.

Well, stil... Space travel is not very convenient. It's possible that one day, we find out it's easier to travel to another parallel universe, than to visit the nearest stars. Who knows, maybe, like us, the aliens don't have convenient and fast means of space travel either.

So they might not come from the distant darkness of space. But from from an alternate version of our world.


Active Member
It depends on what you define alien as.
The human species is the alien if you consider a species to naturally have evolved on a different planets surface which is now interacting with planet earth. This form of ours is lyran, or form the area of lyra which spread out across the universe hundreds of millions of years ago. Theres half a million genetic variants of us in this galaxy alone, taller, shorter, bigger, smaller, all sorts of colours and with various life spans from an average 700yrs to 30,000. Our native life span in 5d is 700 years but this planet is so poisonous its been reduced to what it is now.
Inside the planet, yes, the ones of us that are still in 5d, thats the only place on earth that is as a place, 5d. Everywhere else is still mostly 3d with some bordering in 5d which kinda fluctuates.
Under the sea..do you mean a species with intelligence beyond our own and with abilities like telepathy, astral projection etc...even the dolphins and whales can do that...
Hell, yeah, some.
Other dimensions sure...even what we consider to be below us, the mushrooms, they have a hive collective mind that is also celestial, not sure if they are as high as 5d though...I think they are mostly 4d and below... but also theres trillions in the the upper dimensions, the ones interacting with here are mostly 5-7d. Most beings higher than that would be sick if they came so low as to visit our dimension for long periods. But you will find a few humans here bordering on 5d that talk to those upper ones all the time.
But define matrix...the entire universe is a matrix, but it's a sentient one. Do you mean universes outside of that, yes, they exist too and yes some of them have visited here and some can't visit here, they are form places with completely different physics.
Or do you mean the matrix enslaved upon our consciousness to stop us from seeing the other beings in this galaxy and this universe. Because if its this one then the answer is obv still yes.
Not to mention most of the plants, they were seeded from every corner of this universe because this planet has some exceptionally unique properties, namely four seasons. It can support almost every variant of life in the universe, except some that are purely living in space in the vacuum but still physical. And they were seeded here because so many millions of different ets incarnate here, they all brought with them a little piece of their home planets.
So yeah, all of the above and as einstein said probably a lot more that we don't know about or couldn't fathom.


Active Member
Well I got to tell you guys that they from hell they sink and smell bad like dead rotten body and the Greys and the alien type remember this the in hell there is a devil and demons they have many different form of body don't you see it??


Senior Member

I am sorry, all this talk about them smelling bad it is the first thing that came to mind.

On a serious note, Other solar systems, our future, earth, dimensions, etc little bit of everything, there is no Hell so i dont count that one.


Well I got to tell you guys that they from hell they sink and smell bad like dead rotten body and the Greys and the alien type remember this the in hell there is a devil and demons they have many different form of body don't you see it??

Every time I read about how the Grey are malodorous,
it reminds me of the time I was told (that)

"The grey stink of a rotten, deathly odor because,
they are utilizing temporary bodies to exist on our plane of existence."

"It's always been what's inside that counts.....And we will most likely never get to see that."

So, I've always wondered if they wear some sort of organism
that provides safety like some weird, living suit which is slowly decaying in our
oxygen rich atmosphere.

It would explain a few things like, their eyes.



Senior Member
Every time I read about how the Grey are malodorous,
it reminds me of the time I was told (that)

"The grey stink of a rotten, deathly odor because,
they are utilizing temporary bodies to exist on our plane of existence."

"It's always been what's inside that counts.....And we will most likely never get to see that."

So, I've always wondered if they wear some sort of organism
that provides safety like some weird, living suit which is slowly decaying in our
oxygen rich atmosphere.

It would explain a few things like, their eyes.


That is very accurate! A good portion of the Greys are simply "made" to do tasks, and once completed and recycled, so ya that would make sense they had a bit of a aroma.

There are other Tall Greys that tend to be more sentient compared to the little stink bombs they deploy for tasks.
