Who is going to have the Covid Jab?


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Here's a thought: When someone is claimed to have died from COVID-19, one group will come out and say "No way he died of Covid. He had to have had underlying health problems and they're blaming Covid."

This seems to be the same group blaming every new death on the vaccine, while the other side says "No way they died from the vaccine. They had to of had underlying health problems and they're blaming the vaccine."

Is there a possibility not every death is caused by Covid or the vaccine itself, but rather underlying health conditions?

Just a thought, don't kill me! :)


Senior Member
Here's a thought: When someone is claimed to have died from COVID-19, one group will come out and say "No way he died of Covid. He had to have had underlying health problems and they're blaming Covid."

This seems to be the same group blaming every new death on the vaccine, while the other side says "No way they died from the vaccine. They had to of had underlying health problems and they're blaming the vaccine."

Is there a possibility not every death is caused by Covid or the vaccine itself, but rather underlying health conditions?

Just a thought, don't kill me! :)

walt willis

Senior Member
This jab may help remove more stupid people?
Hidden reports have been leaked about the jab killing folks up to six months after.
That little secret at some point will be exposed?


Well! It looks like all you Covid Jab suckers are really gonna die! It does seem like recent celebrity deaths just may be tied to the vaccine victims list. Sadly no cure for the vaccine was even mentioned.

Geller Report
Why are there anti vaxxers? Well, idiocy, government, media and rumors. Put idiots aside. If the government would be honest with us, all people would get their shots. This thing the world is experiencing is about germ warfare. For whatever reason, we are trying to fight germ warfare right now. Thinning of the herd, racism or whatever. It's in the air. Period. For whatever, our government won't tell us we are being exposed to germ warfare. Fine. Then there is the media. Uninformed. Saying it's a virus. So a virus to some people just doesn't sound that bad. Like the flu virus. Sure, they've had the flu. People think they can just fight it off. Not a foreign germ you have never been exposed to. Your body can't make an anti body for an “unknown, no information”. Then there are rumors. I'll stay out of those. So parents think they can protect their kids with information, masks and clean hands. What about the air it's in? I'm sorry, do you know how tiny these germs are? I'm talking atom sized. The cloth these masks are made of don't block out the air. You would need an air mask tank with pure oxygen in it all the time. Our civilization isn't taking that route for now. We have the intelligence to inoculate ourselves. We are smart. But we send our supplies to the countries involved in this. So, what up now? And it just gets dirtier and dirtier. We are fighting a dirty fight fairly. So, either get your shots or don't. If you have yours, you can't get and spread it. If you refuse to get a shot and refuse to save your kids, you can all share the diseases you get and it ain't pretty. The pain you will feel will be excruciating. You will become opioid addicts, which is fine for our economy if you pay out of pocket. But there goes our medical plans. Bust. So they cut you and your addict kids off of pain pills. You have to go to heroin. And where does heroin come from?? The Middle East. Where the germ came from. So now your income, whether from working, or our government support, goes to fuel and pay the enemy in this war. More germ warfare money. So you idiots have gone full circle for us all. It just doesn't end. Welcome to your future.


Senior Member
This jab may help remove more stupid people?
Hidden reports have been leaked about the jab killing folks up to six months after.
That little secret at some point will be exposed?
It has already been exposed, but people have already decided whether or not to believe it.

Someone once said, "it's easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled".


Here's a thought: When someone is claimed to have died from COVID-19, one group will come out and say "No way he died of Covid. He had to have had underlying health problems and they're blaming Covid."

This seems to be the same group blaming every new death on the vaccine, while the other side says "No way they died from the vaccine. They had to of had underlying health problems and they're blaming the vaccine."

Is there a possibility not every death is caused by Covid or the vaccine itself, but rather underlying health conditions?

Just a thought, don't kill me! :)
Great Post!

My 2cent.

People whom have lived their lives with underlying or pre-existing health issues with no problems
HAVE died from contracting SARS-CoV2 because it inflamed their conditions.
Therefore the 'Death caused by contact with SARS-CoV2' statements can be true.

This is a fact.

I have watched it happen to several people I know and work with.

However, because it has been over-politicized, the truth has become a grey area of doubt and conflict.

It's not and never really has been about a vaccine either......(Political Hindsight is 20/20 here.)

It will never end and no one can change this.

Use your best judgement for your own sake(s)
Do what YOU feel is right.

I had the vax because my risk of death by catching SARS-CoV2 without was greater.

My choice and it really isn't anyone else's business.

Just as much a right for others to not take the jab.

People need to take a chill pill and stop fighting.
