Schematic Who wants to build a chronovisor?


New Member
The best sample well is a bifilar coil wrapped around a canister. What it does is sense the vibration of the sample and feeds it to the Radionic system which amplifies it. say if u are looking at the 40s era, it would be helpful putting something from that era in the sample well...Lumbergooz uses an old resistor, capacitor, or even a knob taken from an old 40s make radio, that little cap or res, has the time stamp of that era. Look at Steven Gibbs HDR for more details, also see @steven chiverton posts they are rich with info..
a sample like a crystal on top of it ? so the sample well plate is vibrating so show it running/or getting the signal? so it is connected to the device?(me being dumb) trying to figure it out , planning to build the configuration #2


Junior Member
Ive had success and I have a prototype model basically its a radionics television but it has to be an analog style tv i used a casio 710 crystal vision and combined its circuits and integrated the radionics components i also used some piezo transducers and piezo pickups as antennas to interface the acoustic pressure into a transmission style circuit for VHF and UHF bands currently in the process of integrating a magnetron i had to channel this information as there is not much on it but im glad theres others trying the tech has been there check out how analog tvs work its a trip just like a programmable void in a box i have pictures and videos of the prototype that are functioning the hard part is you need to have psychic based energy control to understand how to transmit your conscious thru all the integrated circuits and bam you get images ive also had success using change as they have dates and origins in time it makes it easier to channel the image
Hy, What's the combined circuits look like? and what radionics components you mean? Because chronovisor it's not radionic, Thanks


Junior Member
All of the sudden, analog tube tvs of the 50/40/30s dissappeared. Somehow, somebody knew they can be used as integral part of a chronovisor. It all becoming clear now, the similarity between Margrt chappel and Carr is 2 gravitational systems spinning opposite at high speed causing this time the bedini scalar beamer comes here handy if it was big enough (ie bucking 2 large size magnets) and manipulating power and frequency of the coil, one can create vortex, which is the perfect nest for time is all connected now. how come no one thought of it..? in fact Tesla & Carr and the others did..what if I put the bucked magnets at center of a high frequency Rodin coil, that would one hell of a vortex.
Hy, how it's connected? what components you think we need to add to an analog tv to become a Chronovisor?, do you think a scanning system is needed? Thanks


New Member
Thanks @dexter1993 for over crediting me. in fact we all learning from each other. Flying saucers are indeed time machines, simply because they exceed speed of light, so they go bk and forth in time. They also function by mind will therefore they have less driver panels, not more the on off switch. The person who went with Otis Carr on his UFO demonstration gave the formula for Carr invention that is two discs charged with high Tesla coil charge rotating against each other, causing warp in gravity and time. The main puzzle is how re they being powered ? is it a Ether collection system ? or is it batteries that initiate the spinning and once the saucer enters the warp status then power is no longer needed as it becomes in a vibrating time zone, this would make it only possible to turn it off or land it by the mind will of the operations (or pilot). If I have enough funds, I would build one immediately..keep in mind the UFO & antigravity can be achieved by many many other approaches, we are only tapping to few...
Hi, I'm new in this site and is awesome all the things about time travel that can I read here, god job guys. When you say "Two charged discs spinning in counter-rotation configuration" that creates a singularity, and, as all we know, a singularity it is a region of the space where gravity cannot affect.Time cannot exist without gravity, and if we could manipulate a singularity, we could manipulate the flow of time.


Senior Member
Hi, I'm new in this site and is awesome all the things about time travel that can I read here, god job guys. When you say "Two charged discs spinning in counter-rotation configuration" that creates a singularity, and, as all we know, a singularity it is a region of the space where gravity cannot affect.Time cannot exist without gravity, and if we could manipulate a singularity, we could manipulate the flow of time.
Radiation concerns, not sure about that?


I would imagine my friend building one from CR TV but it would need quartz crystal from online as well as a complete rewiring of a tv so we can check out the year Vietnam War started.


Junior Member
Heres the first run i had at it but its gotten better but it's something thats definitely an engineering challenge to figure out in terms of components amd money available i can only do so much i tend to scrap and recycle electronic waste to assemble the tech im developing i have about a month actually building and planning this out and im close but money isnt always available to get whats needed i will post some pics with actual solid images but this is what its like when trying to tune in or see whats around in terms of sound sources to mentally tune in too
Hy, if money are available what device do you need in your research?
