Why civilization will end in 20 to 40 years.

deforestation and resource consumption are declining at an alarming level. this will culminate in a catastrophic collapse in human population and the irreversible collapse of our civilization in the next 20 to 40 years.
There is simply nothing we can do accept prepare for it.
There’s no stopping it. No getting around this catastrophic event that’s going to take place.

Humans will be no more.. and don’t listen to fools like Marshall Barnes who claim that time travel is the key to saving humanity.

Certainly not because time travel doesn’t exist.. and Marshall Barnes is nothing but a nutcase just like all these other so called experts.


Senior Member
Ah well make hay while the sub shines and get all your kicks at once.


Senior Member
deforestation and resource consumption are declining at an alarming level. this will culminate in a catastrophic collapse in human population and the irreversible collapse of our civilization in the next 20 to 40 years.
There is simply nothing we can do accept prepare for it.
There’s no stopping it. No getting around this catastrophic event that’s going to take place.

Humans will be no more.. and don’t listen to fools like Marshall Barnes who claim that time travel is the key to saving humanity.

Certainly not because time travel doesn’t exist.. and Marshall Barnes is nothing but a nutcase just like all these other so called experts.

Wouldn't a catastrophic collapse in human population in turn save the planet?


deforestation and resource consumption are declining at an alarming level. this will culminate in a catastrophic collapse in human population and the irreversible collapse of our civilization in the next 20 to 40 years.
There is simply nothing we can do accept prepare for it.
There’s no stopping it. No getting around this catastrophic event that’s going to take place.

Humans will be no more.. and don’t listen to fools like Marshall Barnes who claim that time travel is the key to saving humanity.

Certainly not because time travel doesn’t exist.. and Marshall Barnes is nothing but a nutcase just like all these other so called experts.

If deforestation and resource consumption declines, wouldn't that be better for the earth? Can you explain how using fewer resources will cause a population collapse? We are using more resources, but IMHO, Earth does a pretty good job at compensating.


Temporal Engineer
I'm expecting Godzilla to show up within the next decade or two, but I think I'll be disappointed again.

I've already put my request in to come back in the reincarnated form of Godzilla. Your timeline seems about right. I plan on ridding the planet of the scourge that calls itself Mankind!


I've already put my request in to come back in the reincarnated form of Godzilla. Your timeline seems about right. I plan on ridding the planet of the scourge that calls itself Mankind!

I'll have a nice bonfire burning in my 20' pit here @ home.
I will save you some nice Johnsonville's and brewskies when you're all done.

That is......If ya don't fry me to a crisp first.

