Schematic T.E.C. Flux Capacitor


Time Enforcement Commission
It should be mentioned, however, that before a (time displacement) can occur, the circuit must first be connected to a variable 44-volt DC power supply. Also while using the (S2) push button switch, the voltage must be pulsed at 2 cycles per second. If a lesser voltage is used, and the current is pulsed at a different frequency, then the most that you will be able to accomplish, or at least in most cases, is an out-of-the-body experience. The place in which to purchase most of these components can be brought through (Skycraft Electronics). Their telephone number is: (407) 628-5634. However, as for the 1M ohm 10W potentiometer and the piezo transducer, both of these items can be obtained through your local Radio Shack store. The dials to be used should be numbered from 0 to 100. These dials can be obtained through (Newark Electronics). Their number is: (402) 392-1055.

Now to operate this device, first of all, activate the variable 44 volt DC power supply. Next, move the (S3) switch to either the past or future mode. Now for future time travel, set vr1 at 10 meters and vr2 at the highest possible setting. Next, while the piezo transducer is taped over the navel area, turn vr2 backward from 84 to 0 while pressing the (S2) push button switch in an up-and-down motion so that the current is pulsed at 2 cycles per second. When you hit the correct setting on VR2, you still hear some sort of clicking or popping noise. As soon as you hear this click or pop, the hour hands on your wall clock (that is, if you have one) should move forward or backward in time. Thus, by watching the wall clock, we can therefore arrive at the date of our choosing, that is, if the theory holds. If not, then another means will have to be devised, to determine the time and place in which you will land in.

As for past time travel, vr2 is left on (0), and vr1 is turned slowly from 0 to 84 while pressing the (S2) push button switch in an up-and-down motion. As before, as soon as you hear the click or pop, you should be moving through time. Remember! As soon as you arrive at the destination point, deactivate the power switch, because if you don't, you'll just keep on going. Note:- This same rule applies if you decide to travel into the future.

It should also be mentioned, that this device will not work for everyone. The reason for this is quite simple. The brain waves must oscillate at a certain frequency before a time displacement can occur. Thus, there is only going to be something like a few people out of a hundred who are going to get any results. This may also have a lot to do with the individual's faith. A detailed schematic of this device is in this page. If you will note, a frequency or pulse generator may be used in place of the variable 44-volt DC transformer. However, you may only get an out-of-the-body experience.

1. For physical time travel, activate the flux capacitor over an artificial grid point.

2. If a 9-volt battery is used as the power source, it may take as long as 40 minutes, before the person can travel physically through time. In other words, it takes a while before the capacitor builds up a charge.

3. Grid points can be avoided if a (double terminated quartz crystal) is placed somewhere in the circuit.

4. To program a quartz crystal for physical time travel, use a pendulum.

5. To increase its performance, place a (caduceus coil) around the crystal. When doing this, make certain that the coils are wrapped evenly. If they're not, there may be trouble.

6. It is possible to use the Flux Capacitor for physical time travel, without having the current pulsed at two cycles per second. In some ways, it may even work better.

7. By connecting an ELF circuit to the flux capacitor, you could pulse the current at 7.8 Hz., c.p.s. This would greatly improve its performance.

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Temporal Engineer
There is supposed to be a schematic that goes with that. Can you check to see if you have it?


Active Member
This can be controlee by transistor base capacitor of 370 picofarad and a ring caducee coil with a cristal to rule with all the humans beings


Senior Member
I'm re-new here and was looking for an auxiliary ability to post on the the similarities between the Bajak devices and Tesla personally world war two time and space jump evidence. In the interview with Al Belick, he tells of a bar fight caused by people in Philadelphia wearing these units. Yes they got reprimanded out for doing that.

The best written use description of a Bajak, was the use of an experimental use of one using a home stereo and a paperclip.

The user added a circuit between power, the radio's antenna and tuned frequency. This was one wire to another using a simple paperclip.

When the flow of current was initiated through that circuit, the paperclip glowed blue, hovered in that state for a second and then disappeared.

The deal with the Bajak, is that one now has the ability with a cell phone, or an updated PDA, to perform quantum displacement calculations, to at least visualize one's landing zone.

The Tesla jump units I mentioned before had a vector dial directory, but this i differs from the Bajak, because you can't vector your route on the other side of the jump point, once you're in it.

All this is in both cases, is super loading of the object jumped to be jumped with a quantal coated energy, that hovers only on the outside of the subject rider.

On the modified PDA, you need a broadcasting device that can show and record spatial grid patterns. A while back an Olly anon was using this same setup, at Silbery Hill, where the castle structure is, with a hidden battery pack and I think, but am not sure, a heavily modified HDR?

Sometimes Silbery turns on all by itself and attaches to ones psyche taking a person back hundreds of years. Then back again. The safety key and I don't want chewed out for not mentioning this is "back again". You don't want stuck somewhere without a plan and not be able to get out of there. Your naturally occurring body frequency usually takes one back anyways.


New Member
I'm re-new here and was looking for an auxiliary ability to post on the the similarities between the Bajak devices and Tesla personally world war two time and space jump evidence. In the interview with Al Belick, he tells of a bar fight caused by people in Philadelphia wearing these units. Yes they got reprimanded out for doing that.

The best written use description of a Bajak, was the use of an experimental use of one using a home stereo and a paperclip.

The user added a circuit between power, the radio's antenna and tuned frequency. This was one wire to another using a simple paperclip.

When the flow of current was initiated through that circuit, the paperclip glowed blue, hovered in that state for a second and then disappeared.

The deal with the Bajak, is that one now has the ability with a cell phone, or an updated PDA, to perform quantum displacement calculations, to at least visualize one's landing zone.

The Tesla jump units I mentioned before had a vector dial directory, but this i differs from the Bajak, because you can't vector your route on the other side of the jump point, once you're in it.

All this is in both cases, is super loading of the object jumped to be jumped with a quantal coated energy, that hovers only on the outside of the subject rider.

On the modified PDA, you need a broadcasting device that can show and record spatial grid patterns. A while back an Olly anon was using this same setup, at Silbery Hill, where the castle structure is, with a hidden battery pack and I think, but am not sure, a heavily modified HDR?

Sometimes Silbery turns on all by itself and attaches to ones psyche taking a person back hundreds of years. Then back again. The safety key and I don't want chewed out for not mentioning this is "back again". You don't want stuck somewhere without a plan and not be able to get out of there. Your naturally occurring body frequency usually takes one back anyways.
I've been chasing you through this whole forum once again can you please tell me more about these tesla jump units or mini Philadelphia experiment devices


Senior Member
I've been chasing you through this whole forum once again can you please tell me more about these tesla jump units or mini Philadelphia experiment devices
The Tesla personal unit were worn around the waist. They consisted of a box of unknown size placed upon those belts/ Reportedly through the local press, then men showed up as disappearing into thin air. They may have been US Navy personal, because of a fist fight that had broken out at the bar. Sailors like to fight, then they all disappeared. They had this in the 40s during World War two.

Later in the paperback Into Thin Air, they used the same near Tesla device in the back of the cockpit of a Lockheed T-33.

According to the story, the early jet took off under its own power, then when it reached altitude, the device was turned on, the pane faded out of existence. However, that jet was given back to its proper flight wing and during a routine the plane by itself faded into nothing. I think the pilot got off that something was wrong with his jet, then nothing.

So, there's an issue there, of rhyme imbuing of an object with the Tesla device.


Senior Member
I've been chasing you through this whole forum once again can you please tell me more about these tesla jump units or mini Philadelphia experiment devices
In order to visualize how this works take two sections of clear vinyl plastic washing machine tubing. If u have extra cut two four-inch lengths. Lay each length of pipe on its side & take and glue these lengths together.

Now with a sharp knife cut a lateral entry slit into the sidewall of the tube so you can insert the barrel of a Sharpie magic marker. Now where the outside edge of each tube touches the other draw a circle in black so you can see through the tubes.

On one tube write ours standing for one dimension.

Now take a piece of white cardboard from a show box and cut out a double joined arrow, where at an angle the arrow point one direction and the other arrow another direction also at an angle. Take this and place it on the area where the two tubes are glued together. On the white of the right-hand arrow print future. Then on the arrow of the other print past.

These arrows should be joined as one piece of light cardboard paper.

The one tube represents our timeline and the other tube represents one of many parallel dimensions.

In your theory now and this is important, you can opt to travel to another dimensions or forward or to the past.

What controls going to these directions, is the cell phone that you adjusted so it take new code. So you'll need android code language.

On the circuit board of the cell phone you'll have a crystal that finds the cell towers. I think, but am not sure that this frequency for the cell towers has to be replaced with a wire wrapped or assisted crystal, that corresponds to the directional model of forward or past, or distance through time lanes jumped.

What this circuit acts like, is a gate to where fluxed current catches stored current that super loads the user with extra force to the scalier quotient that holds them where they are in this time-space. So, this might be a delta T or some kind of antenna design, that would be small enough to carry.

The other parts would be large canned capacitors, or the size necessary to hold the current like a dam, to be let our to super load the user.

Now what happens is the user is coated with this expressed current, but through frames of staying in one place, then begins to travel either scalarly or dimensionally.

You need to know how to reprogram that cell phone. You also need to figure a load dump circuit that works with the antenna, that transports the load, which is the user, to that target destination. So, you need to choose the proper antenna, need a used but not too old cell phone. How to program in android language. and a capacitor for power plus a trip gate to load power circuit.

Going back to the paperclip that was placed on the suspended power mains, that made the paperclip disappear, it was scalier super loading that made it escape this time-space scalier quotient.

You need to store a current power load, but not at the risk, of hurting or electrocuting the jumper user. Even though you're staying still, the travel you're making through the universe, is forwards or backwards in time, or dimensionally.

Build models and talk to people you can trust. You must also figure exactly what occurred within the original paperclip glow blue to disappear experiment.
