What is your rant?


where the wild things are
People attempting to match me up with someone when they know nothing about me. I went to a friends house a few days ago and her new roommate had a friend of hers over, an older gay man. This lady attempted to set me up with him, was rather pushy about it when I refused and also the man was creeping me out with his comments about me "You gotta a nice butt I'm good in bed"

I made it clear to both I am single but I'm not looking for anything beyond friends, but they didn't want any of it. I get it she had good intentions but if you are going to play match maker, how about you actually get to know me as a person, what I am about and what type of guy I am interested in.


Active Member
Similar rant to last time. Same girl.

So anyway she calls me crying one time after I broke off the friendship. About the laptop I fixed for her. Completely fails to apologize. I actually had to bring it up to get one that was like getting blood from an onion.

So yea one of the hunches I had was that she was only keeping in contact was to use me just to fix her laptop.

Anyway I figured that in the event that she was using me I would take the laptop anyway, so I could use it as way to get back at her. The plan was to wipe the hard drive and give it back, so the laptop would essentially be a brick, since her computer was an old school one that has a locked BIOS. Here's the funny part, only a small number of people knew how to get past the restrictions and i imagine most have forgotten or would refuse.

Anyway the Rant:

So that girl invites me to see her the second time this week. Tells me to meet her at 2.

I go to the park we always meet at. I ask if we're still meeting up and she says yea 2:30. Then I'm told don't wait there come to this other park. So I go, get there at 2:30ish. She's hanging with a few friends, one was mutual I guess, haven't talked to him in years though, the other one was her best friend, don't know her too well.

So anyway I get there and sit down and they are talking to each othet about shit and I occasionally get to say something. The conversation goes onto trust and who you tell shit to, this girl points to the other guy and says "I tell him everything", and then points to me and says "I tell this one some things but not everything". I'm sorry wasn't I supposed to be your crush? Don't people normally tell their crushes more than some of their friends? And most of all you say that RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

Anyway I'd told this particular girl about my PTSD and mentioned how I got it. So guess what happens, she talks about anal... She would have known that would have made me go beserk. But no lets just wind this guy up!

So I leave. No point me being there if i sit there doing nothing and getting my ptsd triggered. I then found out my sole purpose of being there. She wanted to know how I was going with the laptop... At that moment I had all my suspicions confirmed. I was being used, she literally doesn't give a shit about me like she used to. I had literally complained to her that my aircon was broken and it was 32 Celsius in the house. (43 celsius outside) I didn't hide that I wouldn't do anything in the heat either.

So yea, doesn't end there. I went through her laptop and confirmed she was lying about any feelings she had as well. One of the things I remember was during the holidays she refused relentlessly to see me, and I said if she liked me she would try and move heaven and earth to see me and she said that it was just a saying that didn't matter. BS MATE!!! On her laptop she had a number of relationship quotes saying about in a relationship you have to make time for them.

Also for some reason she had a picture of my sister on her laptop...

Anyway I have this girls laptop and I wiped the hard drive so I'm the only person she knows that can fix it. :ROFLMAO:


Here's my current one.

Why isn't anyone responding to my posts over at this thread?!: Democratic Woes Not only have I not gotten reply posts over there, but I haven't gotten any likes either (not that that matters much anyway).

@Num7 - Note: I hope this post doesn't cross the line in regards to acceptable behavior on this forum. I just wanted to find a way to vent my slight frustration.

Destination Unknown

New Member
Here's my current one.

Why isn't anyone responding to my posts over at this thread?!: Democratic Woes Not only have I not gotten reply posts over there, but I haven't gotten any likes either (not that that matters much anyway).

@Num7 - Note: I hope this post doesn't cross the line in regards to acceptable behavior on this forum. I just wanted to find a way to vent my slight frustration.
Hang on a second I will head on over there and help ya out lol I don't have a rant yet, but when I do I will be sure to come here.


Senior Member
The lack of moderation on this forum.

You have a group of a few knocking most new people asking questions as if these guys were time traveller experts.
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