What is your rant?


Senior Member
The lack of moderation on this forum.

You have a group of a few knocking most new people asking questions as if these guys were time traveller experts.

Dont knock it too much... Impartial moderation is quite the challenge and myself and others have been made to suffer at the heavy handed slap of power that went to peoples heads once given moderation privileges. Num obviously aint here as often as he used to be, appreciate the fact that he keeps it open for us at all. But I remember ….. I remember someone I once liked whom I shared many views and opinions with they were given the power. And all of a sudden where we did not see exactly eye to eye became grounds to regulate and terminate. I ended up taking a break for a very long time and I see that they have also given up their throne of power which is proly for the best.

Their was another forum I used to goto often as well... They too put power in power hungry hands... That forum is dead now, like completely … the mod banned everyone that disagreed with them , old and new. Made it their own personal echo chamber until they were left talking to themselves. But of course that wasn't their own fault no no no, it was everyone elses fault for not agreeing with them 100% of the time on all matters.

I feel if their ever was truly a terrible problem here Num would step in , in a heart beat, but as it is, I find it laid back, low key, we are allowed to be snarky and dismissive and we are allowed to be polite and open and we are allowed to troll as fake time travellers too if we want too... It is very open and accepting here... And I like it like that.


I went into Walmart today to buy a couple of LED bulbs for the upstairs restroom.

I finally found something better than Walmart budget bulbs but in looking at the packages
I saw that...Someone had stolen the new bulbs and replaced them with four very burnt out and mismatched bulbs.

It's a small town sized Walmart with cameras everywhere.

The Walmart employee I reported it to was a bit befuddled as well as disappointed...But not shocked.
Not as shocked as the other employee whom discovered that not all of the bulbs were LED...
...OR Made by Sylvania.

I just grabbed a bigger, un-opened box of bulbs and went on my way.

It's reached a new low for someone to bring in their old burnt out bulbs and try to
pass them off as new to other customers trying to replace theirs the right way.



Just got done firing off a letter to the MN Dept. of Commerce about their handling of domestic insurance
and of lack of proper communication to my household of the discontinuation of my home/auto insurance.
(They are one of many leaving the state of MN altogether and will no longer have Home/Auto coverage here.)

I have asked them, (my insurance co.), to never send me letters by way of the USPS because,
my home shares the exact same house number with two other homes just a very short distance away. (!)

I NEVER received an official notice in the post or even online! (which is irresponsible.)

So...I found out in the Twelfth Hour through my agency that,
my insurance were not renewing my policy leaving me 1 month to fix
a few problems before I could be insured by anyone new, without the $$ to do so!

I have been checking for every single loophole I can....And I did find a few.
According to county codes, I have now effectively made repairs and am open for becoming re-insured.

Fingers....Toes.....Arms....legs and eyes all crossed for better fortune ahead!

Bottom line-----There are several things happening with personal insurance companies leaving customers
to fend for themselves after dropping coverages and declaring bankruptcies.
Let's not get started on the cost of Principals and the ever increasing costs of having insurances.

To US occupants whom have personal insurance....Keep an eye on your documentation and
watch out for very increased payments ahead.

The insurance bankruptcies have only just begun according to my agent as their reinsurers start cutbacks.
If you think that you're not going to be affected by a disaster halfway across the nation....Think again.



My Rant:

People with Aspberger's Syndrome do not have an illness. Our brains are wired differently. This is why we say we are not "neuro-typical". The problem is that people sense something is different about us and instantly turn away and won't give us a chance. We end up friendless. Ok, so we don't have the best social skills, but we DO have empathy and we DO care and want to be kind, but society has shunned all of us. Many of us choose not to LOOK like other people as well. If you watch modern news videos and look on social media, 90% of the world's women have long blond hair. Why? Why do you want to look like an NPC? I'm one of the few women in Florida who has short hair....and it's red. I'm sorry my goal in life isn't to look sexy. (Besides, my hair is too thin to grow long). I'm told I have beautiful skin for my age, but that never counts. I'm short and other women look at me like I'm a freak. None will get to know me. Most of the time, I'm bullied.

So there. 2 rants in one.


Just got done firing off a letter to the MN Dept. of Commerce about their handling of domestic insurance
and of lack of proper communication to my household of the discontinuation of my home/auto insurance.
(They are one of many leaving the state of MN altogether and will no longer have Home/Auto coverage here.)

I have asked them, (my insurance co.), to never send me letters by way of the USPS because,
my home shares the exact same house number with two other homes just a very short distance away. (!)

I NEVER received an official notice in the post or even online! (which is irresponsible.)

So...I found out in the Twelfth Hour through my agency that,
my insurance were not renewing my policy leaving me 1 month to fix
a few problems before I could be insured by anyone new, without the $$ to do so!

I have been checking for every single loophole I can....And I did find a few.
According to county codes, I have now effectively made repairs and am open for becoming re-insured.

Fingers....Toes.....Arms....legs and eyes all crossed for better fortune ahead!

Bottom line-----There are several things happening with personal insurance companies leaving customers
to fend for themselves after dropping coverages and declaring bankruptcies.
Let's not get started on the cost of Principals and the ever increasing costs of having insurances.

To US occupants whom have personal insurance....Keep an eye on your documentation and
watch out for very increased payments ahead.

The insurance bankruptcies have only just begun according to my agent as their reinsurers start cutbacks.
If you think that you're not going to be affected by a disaster halfway across the nation....Think again.



I had been receiving notices of insurance default from my mortgager and threatened with legalities
surrounding the fact that I had no insurance, (no thanks to unitrin or the state of MN Commerce whom protected my insurance co.
by saying it's "not a requirement to directly inform Minnesotans of impending insurance changes by using means
other than JUST snail-Mail!).

I had to get legal back, this time.

I went online constantly to assure my mortgage that they were properly informed by fax of these changes
on the 12th day of April by my Insurance Agent whom had the evidence of receipt of said fax.

I stayed in touch with my new insurance whom claimed that they NEVER received the escrow payment
from my (inept) mortgager or their respective escrow dept. WHEN...They actually DID SEND the payment.

Meanwhile mortgager sent me a Howler through the USPS that I was again in default of having no insurance!

I finally called my agent directly and said I was hiring a lawyer to get communication across to them BOTH!

Bottom line is,
mortgager is going through changes at the moment and have to move everything to the new domain(s)
and this is involving thousands of accounts....So my information became lost in the shuffle.

Not my problem....They threatened ME.

They were charging me for default insurance they provided themselves....When, It wasn't needed!
Their respective departments were not communicating with each other at all
and they were threatening me??

After laying all my evidence on the table, I threatened to sue.

Miraculously....The correct payment reached my new insurance and
the changeover occurred on the 9th day of May, 2024.
Otherwise, I would have been in direct violation of Ins. Default on the 10th.

My insurance agent, whom had my back this whole time,
called me direct to inform that I am now fully insured.

FFS!!! What the h*ll has happened to communication with these so-called professionals ??

If you want something done....You have to do it yourself.

It's been months of pure hell and I am delighted that it's over!!!!!!!


Active Member

I had been receiving notices of insurance default from my mortgager and threatened with legalities
surrounding the fact that I had no insurance, (no thanks to unitrin or the state of MN Commerce whom protected my insurance co.
by saying it's "not a requirement to directly inform Minnesotans of impending insurance changes by using means
other than JUST snail-Mail!).

I had to get legal back, this time.

I went online constantly to assure my mortgage that they were properly informed by fax of these changes
on the 12th day of April by my Insurance Agent whom had the evidence of receipt of said fax.

I stayed in touch with my new insurance whom claimed that they NEVER received the escrow payment
from my (inept) mortgager or their respective escrow dept. WHEN...They actually DID SEND the payment.

Meanwhile mortgager sent me a Howler through the USPS that I was again in default of having no insurance!

I finally called my agent directly and said I was hiring a lawyer to get communication across to them BOTH!

Bottom line is,
mortgager is going through changes at the moment and have to move everything to the new domain(s)
and this is involving thousands of accounts....So my information became lost in the shuffle.

Not my problem....They threatened ME.

They were charging me for default insurance they provided themselves....When, It wasn't needed!
Their respective departments were not communicating with each other at all
and they were threatening me??

After laying all my evidence on the table, I threatened to sue.

Miraculously....The correct payment reached my new insurance and
the changeover occurred on the 9th day of May, 2024.
Otherwise, I would have been in direct violation of Ins. Default on the 10th.

My insurance agent, whom had my back this whole time,
called me direct to inform that I am now fully insured.

FFS!!! What the h*ll has happened to communication with these so-called professionals ??

If you want something done....You have to do it yourself.

It's been months of pure hell and I am delighted that it's over!!!!!!!
Start recording your phone calls with them, too. States have different privacy rules about those, but if you're doing it to legally protect yourself when CLEARLY something is WRONG and to NOT put it up on youtube, it should be admissible in court. I might expect "papers" to get lost in a large database transfer... IN THE 1990's... but not in today's world. A database is far from "bleeding edge" technology. Only an incompetant moron would screw up a simple migration... which is HIGHLY LIKELY! It looks like you're mostly clear now, but if something like this ever ends up in court, ask the judge to strike down the "USPS sufficiency" clause in the law when there is a major change or problem... because clearly it isn't sufficient and is being manipulated against the citizen.


Active Member
If you want something done....You have to do it yourself.
I'm having to do something similar with Frontier Communications right now. I finally dumped them earlier this year for overcharging me when I could get the same thing for $100/month LESS! When I told them I was ready to disconnect the phone AND ONLY THE PHONE, a few days later they disconnected EVERYTHING! That really screwed me over. Thankfully I had Internet mostly switched over to another company, but that was a real shock to have to finish that out so quickly. I was totally screwed on TV service for a little while.

On the disconnected day, I got on their chat and ripped them a new one for that. The lady said she'd comp me 2 months extra for that going so badly. That's on top of the 16-20 (depending on how they can't count) unused days I already paid for. She said Frontier is slow about refunds, but it will come. So I've been waiting...

The next paper bill a few weeks later that they sent me showed a $0 balance, so I figured the check was in the mail... I WAS SO WRONG!

I got back on chat and jumped their case really hard a few days ago. "Where's the check?" should be a very simple question to answer... BUT THEY COULDN'T! Getting the runaround and wasting a lot of time and energy I didn't have, I kept asking the same question, but nobody could track it.

Businesses have been both receiving and sending out checks far longer than I've been alive. This isn't a new concept. It's not that hard to see an account balance with a customer and where that balance went out to... but this is Frontier. Everybody hates them for their stupidity, and I reminded them of that a couple times.

What it looks like right now is that someone in Frontier zeroed out my $500-something refund and then STOLE IT! ...and I let them know that multiple times... both to piss them off and for a potential subpoena of the chat logs.

They claimed they valued me as a customer and are really looking into it... which they should for overcharging me $1200/year for the last few years... They claimed the escalation team was going to call me yesterday, but they never did... but maybe they will get around to it sometime next week... BUT it's far more likely they're covering something up. I mean, how hard is it to track where a dollar amount went from a customer's account? This is SIMPLE database tracking.

I have a feeling in the next week or so that I'll be filing a police report... and start teaching Frontier how to do simple accounting. I really wish my dinky cell phone could record calls. I don't have time for this ####. :(


I should have added this in the first reply. When I said "mostly clear" above, I also meant to add: Never under estimate the stupidity of some companies and especially government. :(
Frontier Communications...Eh?
Do they provide services on Horseback? ;)

After having a debacle with Wells Fargo Mortgage back in 2009-2011 over modification of said mortgage,
I knew I could record them, I did for almost 1 1/2 years! They tried to oust me from my own home during that recession.

I caught them in a multitude of threats and lies!

They modified my mortgage immediately when I showed them what I had on their bungling 'Officials'
while threatening to sue them!

Otherwise, I would have sued for a very large amount....And Won.

I never muck about with anyone anymore....Not when their stupidity threatens my becoming homeless due to THEIR actions.


Start recording your phone calls with them, too. States have different privacy rules about those, but if you're doing it to legally protect yourself when CLEARLY something is WRONG and to NOT put it up on youtube, it should be admissible in court. I might expect "papers" to get lost in a large database transfer... IN THE 1990's... but not in today's world. A database is far from "bleeding edge" technology. Only an incompetant moron would screw up a simple migration... which is HIGHLY LIKELY! It looks like you're mostly clear now, but if something like this ever ends up in court, ask the judge to strike down the "USPS sufficiency" clause in the law when there is a major change or problem... because clearly it isn't sufficient and is being manipulated against the citizen.

I have taken screen shots of everything and have all of the letters involved, in my file.

I couldn't reach anyone 'In-Person' by phone at all. (Surprise-Surprise... 😠 )

This "Problem" was theirs.....And being they just misplaced my $2500.00+ for insurance,
That's why I involved my Ins. Agent and I did mention that I was about to get legal.

I now do have insurance....And they're all on the same page. (Hopefully)

Bottom Line?

I find that if you keep notes and take it as far as it can safely go by way of investigation into their own tracking(s) and history,
that's when I strike back with evidence and a proper lawyer.

Wells Fart-Hole dragged me into a bait and switch 20 some plus years ago which I just paid off.
Since then...I have never trusted any one of these Brilliant, Authoritative and Professional....Dictators.

Their authoritative (See condescending) natures, are what get to me
and when I discovered that Wells Fart-Hole had included a false co-owner of my mortgage which dispelled
any chances of help from Freddy Mac/ Government modification assistance (!!)
I went absolutely under cover and just played dumb...But recorded every conversation from that point on
whilst staying with the very 1st modified mortgage payment amount.

It's legal and I fought fire with fire when that particular payment amount changed over the next year and a half!
They were ALL phony....And, I have an admission to that fact on record.

I caught them with their illegal pants down!

So, Yeah!
For anyone else reading this thread...Yes, you can record certain conversations whenever it involves
a monetary situation here in the State of Minnesota without the knowledge of the party being recorded
and Yes, it is admissible in court, HERE in MN.

Check your respective state(s) by-laws, chances are that your state may allow this as evidence in court.
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